Salvatore charm.

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I sat in front of my fire place, Watching the wood burn slowly and the sparks flying. This seat was familiar, And so was this view.. I sit here pretty often most the time I just think. I think about the future, The present and most of the things I try to avoid thinking about, I think about in this very spot. My eyes stay on the fireplace as I hear a knock at the door, I slowly got up and headed to the door opening it to see a content Elena. ''I don't want any girl scout cookies.'' I teased her, My voice filled with sarcasm. She rolled her eyes at me and pushed past me ''Is Stefan here?'' She asked me as her tone was annoyed from the remark I had just made. I shook my head 'no' as she sighed. ''Great..'' She said with another eye roll in my direction, I shrugged it off ignoring it completely. Elena walked over to the couch and flopped down on it ''Bad day?'' I questioned her as I poured myself another glass of Whiskey. She sighed ''Bad week.'' She started as she sat up in a more comfortable position and blew a hair out of her face, I smiled at her as she looked over at me ''Caroline is freaking out because Tyler is wanting to leave town, Bonnie is off in la la land and Stefan.. He's been so distant. And here I am talking to you about my problems!.'' She vented to me, Ending the sentence in annoyance. I cocked my head to the left ''Distant?'' I questioned her, Knowing she would know what I was talking about. Elena nodded and her face looked puzzled ''Every time I try to talk to him he just brushes me off.'' She said as her brows furrowed, My brows furrowed along with hers; That was very unlike Stefan, And I have noticed him acting a bit strange. ''What did you do?'' Elena accused me, Her tone a tad bit angry. I always get blamed for everything, But I am pretty known on making bad well wrong decisions. ''Nothing, Thank you very much.'' My tone turned snotty, Unbelievable how she thinks I had something to do with it. Elena's eyes were fixed on me ''I guess your stuck with me.'' I said pleasantly with a sly smile on my face, Elena huffed ''Well there's nobody else around so I guess so.'' Her tone was disappointed. Elena got up as she swung her arms  ''So what are we doing today?'' She questioned me, Her face had the 'lets-get-this-over-with' look on it. I shrugged, Anything that involves you sounds absolutely perfect to me. ''Doesn't matter.'' I said as I downed my drink, She raised her shoulders as she picked up a glass and poured herself vodka ''You're now my drinking buddy for the night.'' She said as she smiled at me. ''Don't get too drunk, I don't want Stefan to think I did something wrong.'' I said knowing that when Stefan came home it would be war. She nodded a cute Elena nod as she finished her drink. Elena always topped me when it came to drinking, But one thing I won with is I could handle my alcohol, But with her she was drunk after 5 drinks. What a light weight.

A few drinks in we were both a bit buzzed, Stefan hadn't come home yet which was not normal for him. ''You see, I can't even depend on him anymore.'' Elena slurred as she downed another drink, She had ought to be on her 7th one by now, Me I'm pretty sure I was on my 9th plus drinking blood here and there. ''Oh don't worry about big ol' Stef - You got me for the evening.'' I said smiling a devious smile. She gave me a rather cute look, I'm not sure if it was because of my comment or because of how drunk she was but either way it was still pretty darn cute. ''So Damon..'' She started as she stood up and leaned on me almost falling over but I catched her quickly. ''You're looking rather handsome.'' Her speech was still slurred and now I knew it was the alcohol talking. ''Oh really?'' I questioned as a grin spread across my magnificent facial features. Elena nodded as she closed her eyes, For a second I was ready to run; Afraid she might puke on me. She puckered her lips and in the next second our lips had met and melted together.

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