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My eyes flew open and I seen a worried and sad Elena hovering over me ''Damon? Damon!'' Her face turned ecstatic. ''Wh..'' I started and then seen Bonnie slump to the wooden floor ''I.. I don't know. The spell must of worked though, You're still alive.'' She said rather confused and lost in her thoughts. I noticed the coughing had stopped and there was no longer blood rushing out of my throat ''I'm so glad your okay! How are you feeling? Do you hurt?'' Elena 21 questioned me, I chuckled ''I'm glad the first person I saw when I awoke was you, If it hadn't been I probably would of freaked out thinking I was dead.'' I started as I sat up more comfortably and Elena joined me on the couch, Rubbing my arm in a slow motion. ''I feel.. Normal. A bit hungry.'' I admitted as I gave Elena a sheepish look ''Want me to go get you a blood bag?'' Elena offered, I shook my head having had too much blood come up today. Frankly the thought of blood made me want to get sick again. Even just hearing the word made my stomach feel uneasy ''Well.. Is there anything you want me to do?'' Elena asked, Still concerned. Bonnie was still slump on the floor, Roaming around in her thoughts ''Is she going to be okay?'' I questioned Elena. ''She just thinks something went wrong with the spell, That you should still be sick. Which.. I think we should be thankful your not and just leave it at that.'' She said as she narrowed her eyes at Bonnie who didn't budge even the tiniest bit. I got off the couch slowly, Still feeling a tiny bit of pain but better then it had been before. ''Where are you going?'' Elena questioned with a hit of confusion in her tone. ''Kitchen.'' I said as I almost danced over, The pain had left my body completely and I felt better then ever. I opened the fridge door as I hummed a happy tone, Elena started to talk to Bonnie but I couldn't hear. I grabbed the first thing I seen in the fridge which was left over chili, From what I had made Elena a few nights ago. I opened the container and got a spoon out of the drawer, Still dancing and humming I took a spoonful of the chili and ate it quickly. I took a few more bites, Then thought to myself I dropped the spoon on the floor with my jaw dropped. Elena flung her head in my direction seeing what was wrong, I was eating chili, Human food. I felt sick when thinking of eating blood and I couldn't hear Bonnie and Elena speak to one and other. ''Oh my god.'' Elena and Bonnie said at the same time as they entered the kitchen and seen the spoon on the floor and the half eaten chili. ''You're...'' Elena started shocked ''A human.'' I said unpleasantly.

Elena covered her mouth as she mumbled 'oh my god' into her hand. Bonnie examined me, Almost as if she was giving me her approval.  ''How could this happen?'' I asked Bonnie confused as ever. Bonnie shrugged ''I'm not sure, I must of did the spell wrong or did the wrong spell.'' She said as the lines on her forehead started to show and her eyebrows raised, She was still lost in her own head. ''Can you.. fix it?'' Elena questioned Bonnie, Startled at what might happen if I was human for long enough. Bonnie nodded slowly, Almost to her self ''I think so, It's going to take some time though.'' She said as she looked at me then Elena. I nodded, Knowing not to push Bonnie and Elena understood too. ''I have to go.. I'll text you when I have it figured out.'' Bonnie said as if she was scared, Elena and I nodded in her direction as she got her witchy book '' I'm sorry for this you guys.'' Bonnie said sympathetically the only thing Elena did was nod, Bonnie gave us a small wave and smile and then she was gone. ''This is bad..'' I said staring down at the marble floor beneath us, It not looking as beautiful as it once had as a vampire. ''Is it?'' Elena questioned as she hopped up on the counter and sat there as I stood beside her. I turned my head towards her and cocked it to the left ''I mean you're human!'' She said excitedly with a huge smile on her face. I shook my head slowly ''Elena..'' I started as she turned her attention to me ''I can't stay this way.'' I said sadly, Breaking the news to her. ''But why not?'' Her face no longer held that magnificent smile, Now it was the familiar frown I seen too many times. ''If Stefan or Katherine or any one that is out to get me knows I'm a human I'm done for.'' I said to her looking at her with the same sympathetic look Bonnie had given us. Elena nodded, Almost in denial. ''Elena.. I'm sorry. If I could stay human believe me I would.'' I told her in sincerity. Elena sighed ''I know.. Just for once your like me and I don't have to be in this alone.'' She said with her head bowed, I looked at her in confusion ''What do you  mean in it alone?''  She brang her head up, Her eyes meeting mine. And honestly she was just as beautiful, As vibrant as i had once seen her as a vampire. ''Before you had vampire powers and I didn't, You were able to do more then me. Now we are equal.'' She admitted with sadness in her tone, I sighed, Taking her hands in mine as I stood in between her legs ''We were always equal. We always will be.'' I told her in all honesty, She nodded her head once then our lips brushed against each others. I looked into her eyes and I seen no objections, It had been over a century since I was a human and since I had a human kiss. Our lips touched briefly and then our lips joined together, Not having anything stop us and not wanting to stop. The kiss continued and as hopeless romantics would say 'I felt sparks fly' It was so different as a human, It wasn't nearly as good but it felt... Perfect. We both pulled away slowly as our eyes met, A smile crept up on my face ''I'm going to enjoy this.'' Elena said as she let a wide smile cross her face, So am I.. I thought to myself.

The day seemed to go quicker then usually, As when your a vampire everything just seems normal speed.. Not slow or fast just kind of in the middle. ''Bonnie texted,'' Elena said as I snapped out of my thoughts and my attention turned on her ''What did she say?''  I questioned almost too excited, Hoping she figured out the spell. Elena looked over at me ''She can't do it for a couple of more days, She is drained from the first spell she used on you.'' Elena notified me, And I could tell she was rather happy about me staying human for longer. ''Let's go out and do something, Now that your human.'' Elena said quite happy, I rolled my eyes and nodded my head as she yanked my wrist and pulled me out the door ''Grip much.'' I said looking down at the grip she had on my wrist ''Oh hush you big baby.'' She laughed at me. I forgot how much more strength I had as a vampire and the limited strength I had as a human. I was no longer able to go as fast as I use to be able to, And now even stubbing my toe would hurt me. It was sad to know how weak I was now compared to my brother, Compared to Katherine. As I once was before. ''Damon?'' Elena asked as she waved a hand in front of my face ''Hmm..?'' I questioned with raised eye brows ''Did you want to drive?'' She asked uneasy, I nodded as she kept her eyes on me. As if I was going to blow up or turn into dust.

We got into the car and it definetly looked shiner as a vampire, Now it just looked.. pratical. This whole time I thought I was driving something bad ass but really it needs a new paint job. I started the car and heard the engine roar ''It's like your experiencing everything for the first time.'' Elena said looking over at me, I turned and faced her ''I am.'' I told her as we pulled out of my drive way. I drove down the familiar streets of Mystic Falls, But now they didn't look as familar. The houses use to be so vibrant and the sky use to be so bright.. But now the houses were plain and some of them even dull and the sky was a light blue with clouds floating around but it wasn't beautiful any more.. It was just there. Elena examined it along with me, Althought I think she was just deep in thought. ''What are you thinking about?'' I questioned her as I grabbed her hand and she intertwined her hand with mine. ''How different this is, And going to be. How the last time you were human was in the 1800's and now its the 2000's. It must be so weird for you.'' She went on as I listened, Pulling up infront of Mystic Grill. ''It is pretty weird, The most abnormal things are how the colours aren't so bright anymore, How everything looks so different, When I was a vampire everything was so much more vibrant and now it isn't.'' I said confessing to her as she listened and kissed me softly all the cheek. Even now I still felt it go threw my body in the same way I had as a vampire. ''I hope you don't see me any different.'' Her tone was sad and hurt me ''You're just as beautiful as I had once seen you as a vampire.'' I reassured her with a soft smile. Her head nodded and we got out of the car, Entering Mystic Grill. My jaw had dropped as I forgot that Tyler, Matt, Caroline and Alaric hung around here. All there eyes were on me, They new.

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