'You should have met me in 1864.'

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Caroline's, Tyler's, Matt's and even Alaric's eyes were on mine, I felt so out of place like I was the new guy in town and every body was shocked at how handsome I was. There eyes made me feel really un easy ''Don't mind them, I don't see why there staring.'' Elena said raising her voice, Knowing they would hear and it would make them feel bad. ''How'd they find out?'' I asked a bit panicked, If one of them told Stefan or even Katherine I would be a dead man, This time literally. ''Bonnie may have said something..'' Elena said uneasily as we sat down at a booth, Where unwanted eyes couldn't see us.

Apparently it was Matt's shift, He came over looking as innocent and angry like he usually does when ever I'm around Elena. I'm pretty sure he still wasn't over her, Which is rather annoying. ''What did you guys want?'' Matt said in his usual sad tone of his, Elena shrugged then looked at me as I stared down at the menu ''I'll get... some fries.'' She finally said as I looked up at Matt in agreement. Matt rolled his eyes and mumbled something under his breath, But I now could no longer hear it with only low human hearing. ''Don't worry I'll share'' Elena teased with a grin spread across her face ''You better or I'll-'' I started as she cut me off gracefully ''You'll what. Mr Salvatore? Remember I may just be stronger then you now.'' She said in an almost cocky but playful tone. My left eyebrow raised in a challenge ''Really, Would you like to test that?'' I questioned as I leaned closer to her over the table. I could see she had blushed as she looked away ''Maybe.'' She said still in that playful tone of hers as she bit her lip unintentionally. I seen Matt walking towards us with the fries, I was so hungry and wanted to eat everything. I forgot how good food tasted. He set down the fries, Shooting a rude look in my direction. I rolled my eyes as I picked up a frie ''Hey.'' Elena said swatting my hand ''Hmm?'' I simply said as I muched on the fries. ''Don't eat all of them, I'm human to you no.'' She said with a cheeky smile as I handed her a friench frie.

''You two look cozy.'' Alaric said as Elena scootched over and Alaric sat down beside her with a sly grin on his face. ''Human huh?'' He questioned as he took a sip of his beer, I nodded still eating fries. ''I hate it, But food is soo good!'' I said as I ate even more fries and seen a dissapproving look from Elena. I heard the bell ring, As It did when ever some one walked in the door. I looked over quickly and seen Stefan standing there, A huge grin plastered on his face. He knew, And I am sure I'm dead.

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