Founders party

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I sat down stairs with the youngest Gilbert; And not the most fun one either. ''So..'' He started and I huffed, This was going to be a long few hours or minutes. I know Elena is getting changed at my place with me but her putting on make up could take days. Girls wearing make up is so pointless. Especially with Elena, She's a natural beauty. ''Well.. Isn't this.. cozy.'' I said trying to be nice to boy Gilbert. I heard Alaric come in a sighed a sigh of relief, A few more seconds with this kid and I was going to end up just as mopey as him! ''Hey, Damon, Jer.'' Alaric said as he looked over at us, Feeling our awkwardness. ''Yeah this isn't working.'' I said getting up as I headed to the kitchen, Going to Alaric's stash of alcohol in the last cupboard. ''Want some?'' I questioned looking back at Ric. ''Yeah.'' He said letting out a deep breath. I poured two fine whiskeys for Alaric and Myself, We clanked our glasses together and downed our drinks. Jeremy shook his head at us, Obviously envying us as he played some video game that look rather dull, And very typical. ''So Ric, Nice day isn't it?'' I asked full of sarcasm. Alaric let out a breathy laugh ''Yeah.. Right.'' He said as I could see the crinkles coming from his eyes. ''What are you doing here? Besides trying to befriend some one who hates your guts?'' Alaric asked me with his small boyish smile. I got us another glass of whiskey as my facial expression turned etched. I shrugged ''Waiting for Elena.'' I said as whiskey filled my mouth. Alaric nodded in understanding and then his face grew shocked; As if he had just remembered something ''Founders party?'' He questioned me, I nodded my head in a 'no-shit-Sherlock' kind of way. I heard Elena come down the stairs ''Don't laugh but this one curl-'' She started as I turned around to see her batting one curl away from her face ''Is being difficult.'' She finished. My eyebrows raised and my face turned radiant. ''What?'' She questioned with her pearly whites showing. ''You are..'' I started as I looked her from head to toe; She wasn't in her dress yet but just her hair. Her glow. Everything about her looked beautiful at this very moment. ''A curly head freak?'' she joked. I smiled and shook out of my thoughts ''Are you guys coming back here after or are you just heading there?'' Alaric asked us, I looked over to Elena as she licked her lips quickly ''Probably just heading there, So I will see both of you there?'' She said as her eyebrows raised in a mischievous way as she looked from Alaric to Jeremy. They both nodded and moaned ''Yes, Elena.'' I laughed at shot Alaric a sly smile as he just shook his head at me ''I feel the same way.'' I teased. Elena bit her lip and hit my arm in a playful way. ''See you guys there.'' I said as I got pulled out the door.

Salvatore boarding house 

Elena and I arrived at my house - And it was looking better then ever. I never really took the time to appreciate the house I have and frankly some days I think its too big, Especially when I'm alone. When Stefan was here there was always something going on, Well there still is. Elena has spent almost every night here and some times she would have 'sleep overs' or as I like to call them 'Excuse for girls to gossip.' But other then that its just me in this big open house. I unlocked the front door, And being the gentlemen I am I let Elena go in first, she gave me a happy smile and I returned the same one. She darted upstairs; Her dress was in a slip/cover she made sure I had no idea what it looked like. I went downstairs, Bringing up a few blood bags and putting them in the fridge. I opened one and poured it in my glass, Taking my time as I knew Elena would take hers. ''Start getting ready!'' She yelled down at me, I ran upstairs and knocked on my bedroom door ''Come in but don't look!'' She said almost pleading. ''Now how is that supposed to work?'' I questioned her, I may be a vampire but that doesn't mean I can tell where I'm going when my eyes are closed. I felt Elena's hands push me and then shut a door, I opened my eyes and I was in the bathroom. My tux was hanging on a hook at the back of my bathroom door ''Thanks.'' I yelled to her.  I tugged off my shirt and admired my body in the mirror ''Damon..'' Elena said impatiently ''Yeah yeah,'' I shouted back. I grabbed the white shirt and put it on as I pulled my black suit jacket over top, Last I put on the pants. I left the bow for Elena to do, For an excuse to get close to her. I nodded at myself in the mirror, Opened the bathroom door and seen Elena with a long trench coat on.. Figures shes still hiding her dress, ''You're ridiculous.'' I laughed at her as she stuck her tongue out  at me. ''You haven't put your bow on yet.'' Elena said to me with a frown, She walked over and took it out of my hand and put it in place on my shirt. She was now very close and I just couldn't resist and I could see she couldn't either, I seen her eyes flicker from my lips to my eyes and back to my lips as a devious smile played on my face I leaned in and our lips joined together. My hands met her hair and ran threw it gently. She pulled back ''Your going to mess up my make up.'' She teased. I gave in not wanting to get in crap at the moment. She gave me a light loving kiss on the cheek ''It's almost 5:32.'' I reminded Elena. ''This is always so stressful.'' Elena stressed to herself, I rubbed her back soothing her. We made our way down my stairs and out the front door quickly, We hopped into my car as I backed out of my drive way. ''Every one is going to know, Elena.'' I said reminding her about everyone, Besides Caroline not knowing about her and I. Elena nodded as she faced me slowly ''I know.'' She said with a warm smile that made my face light up. She could say a sentence or even one word and it would make my week or even month, She always knows the right things to say.. Well most of the time. 


''Well, Here goes nothing.'' I said as I drive in the Lockwoods drive way, Which is already packed full of vehicles and as I can see the house is packed full of people. ''Not nothing, Just most likley nothing good.'' Elena said taking in a deep breath. I leaned in giving her a soft kiss on the forehead, I seen her face light up which made my smile grow 10x bigger. ''Shall we?''  I asked, The same smile still on my face. Elena nodded ''We shall.'' I got out of the car and opened the passenger side door, Extending my hand. She took it and our arms joined as we walked across the Lockwoods lawn. ''Everybody's staring.'' She whispered to me, I chuckled ''Well it can't be at you seeing as you still have the trench coat on.'' I said knowing people were still shocked about my dashing good looks. ''Maybe next time I shouldn't pick such a hot date.'' She said in a sarcastic tone ''You already did that last year.''  I said laughing at her. We finally got up the stairs of the Lockwood mansion, Ms Lockwood was standing at the door greeting everybody. ''I'm so glad you made it Elena!'' Ms Lockwood said To elena ''Damon..'' She then said, Letting me know she noticied me but didn't care too much for me. ''Here let me take your jacket.'' Ms. lockwood said to Elena, Elena smiled and nodded taking off her jacket slowly. Which killed me and she knew it, Finally the coat was off and my head spun, My eyes were on Elena and my jaw had dropped. ''You..'' I started looking her up and down as my eyes buldged out of my head ''Look beautiful.'' I said stunned by her apperance. Her dress was a metallic blue that made her face glow and really brung out her chocolate brown eyes, It had one shoulder sleeve and what girls would call a ''bandage dress''. It ended above her knees and had a side cut out design that almost looked like a braid. It looked magnificent on her and she knew that by me almost drooling. ''You like?'' She asked as I nodded quickly, She had soft curls that flowed over the dress. If I didn't know her, I would of thought she was an angel. ''I thought I'd try something new.'' She said looking over at my expression and smiling. ''I love it, You're so beautiful Elena.'' I gushed over here, ''You're pretty handsome your self Mr, Salvatore.'' She smiled and bowed at me. Our arms linked and we walked towards the dance floor outside, Bonnie stopped us; Her face had shock written all over it ''Why is Damon escorting you?'' Bonnie asked, Ignoring me and talking straight to Elena. ''Usually your boyfriend takes you to dances.''Elena said rather confidently as Bonnie's face grew more shocked ''Elena you can't..'' Bonnie peleded. I put my hand up ''I believe she already has.'' My tone was cocky, Elena and I looked at eachother then made our way to the dance floor. The rest of the night was gentle and quite, Everyone stared at us with glares and we just shook them off. All that mattered right now was us, Elena and I. I seen Elena shiver and took off my coat and put it over her shoulders, She smiled up at me and placed the softest kiss on my lips. This is perfect. 

We left some what early, I was hungry for blood and her regular Human food.

We stopped at my place to get the blood then off to her house we went; When we arrived I parked the car out front of her place, Opening her door for her and walking hand in hand in to her house. I poured the blood bag in a glass as I started cooking food for my sweet Elena. Elena watched me in fascination, As if I was a magician or something doing a show. I finished the blood and handed Elena a plate of Mashed patatoes and chicken, She finished it quickly ending it with a ''Mmmm.'' As she rubbed her tummy. We headed up stairs and tore off our clothes, We laid beside eachother and fell asleep. I loved her being in my arms, And I knew she loved it just as much.

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