The truth.

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[Trying it from this P.O.V]

Damon had one to many drinks, And so had Elena. They were both at the confession stage; Which wasn't good for either of them. Damon watched Elena as she danced around the room to 'I don't want to be in love' By Good Charlotte Elena pulled Damon up as he rolled his eyes ''Dance!'' He heard Elena say slurred but rather excited. Damon went up to the CD player and took out the disc, He put in a new CD and skipped a few songs. Finally he stopped at one which was 'Tonight' By Fm Static. ''I'll Dance.'' He said with a sly smile as he put his hand out for Elena's. Elena bowed then put her arms around Damon's neck as Damon's hands slid to her waist. They danced in a slow circular motion. Damon had a small smile planted on his face, And he was filled with joy. Although he would not let Elena see that, Especially when he was this drunk. ''Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up I need your loving hands to come and pick me up,'' Elena sang softly and low. Damon smiled as Elena looked up at him. There eyes didn't leave each others as he heard Elena speak; Slurred. ''Why couldn't have it been you.'' Her tone was soft. Damon cocked his head sideways in confusion, Thinking she was rambling on about nothing. ''What do you mean?'' Damon asked confused. Elena pulled back about, Her hands still remained on his neck, Her eyes had truth behind them and never looked so innocent. ''Why couldn't I have fallen for you first.'' She said hopelessly, He could tell her emotions where everywhere because of how drunk she was. ''It's not to late.'' Damon said as he looked at the ground then back at Elena's chocolate brown eyes, He could tell his icy blue eyes were melting into hers. ''Yes it is.'' Elena admitted and her eyes stayed planted on the ground this time. Damon grew sad 'she doesn't love me' He thought to himself. Elena could see the sadness within his eyes ''Because once I met you, I had fallen in love with you.'' Elena admitted and let a small smile dance across her face. Damon felt his chin being lift up and once again there eyes met: He couldn't resist it this time. Slowly and cautiously he leaned in closer. He could see Elena wasn't objecting and now was his chance. There lips met softly and melted together. It was a long, Yet slow passionate kiss that was well waited for. They both pulled back and Damon's face was shocked, He could see Elena was blushing and giggling like a little school girl, Which made him smile and relax. ''Can I sleep with you tonight?'' Elena asked Damon, But this time her tone was innocent. Damon looked at her rather surprised and taken back, Why was Elena actually here? He questioned himself. He gave her an innocent look, Nodding ''Of course.'' He said softly, He knew this could end bad.. but he didn't care.

They put down there glasses on the kitchen counter, Walking up the stairs and into Damon's bedroom. He watched as Elena took off her thin dark brown sweater, Setting it on a chair with in his bedroom. Damon laid down in his bed, Watching her every move. They laid in bed, The room pitch black and a soft breeze coming in from Damon's window, He laid there in thought.. and finally drifted off to sleep.

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