Transition is within me.

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Stefan marched over to us, Perfectly. As I was no longer able to do. Curse him for taking this away from me, No.. Curse him for making me that way in the first place. Elena looked from him to me, Looking at what he had turned in to. Fear had fallen across her face as she knew this wasn't going to be good, And I new that also. ''Hello, Brother. Enjoying you're new human life?'' Stefan mocked me in a tone that made me want to rip his heart out and feed it to him. But there was a slight problem with that plan - I couldn't. I gave him a mirthless smile, As he gave me one in return. ''Stefan.. What are you doing here?'' Elena asked quietly, Her tone being uneasy. I could hear the fear in her voice and it broke my heart, But now it didn't feel as intense as it did as a vampire. ''Oh, Well.. Since you asked, I'm here to take Damon some where.'' He said narrowing his eyes from Elena to me. Elena shook her head 'no' repeatedly, And I could see  the tears filling up in her eyes and she fought them back. ''You can't, Stefan don't do this.'' She said as her voice was brittle as ever as she choked up on her words. I looked down at the table then back up at Stefan, Trying my hardest not to show my fear. But he knew me all to well. ''And what are you going to do about it, Elena?'' Stefan asked as he tilted his head slightly and raised his eyebrows. ''That's what I thought.'' He spoke again as I seen his arm move quickly, And suddenly his hand had a tight grasp on my upper arm. ''Stefan -'' I said threw gritted teeth but he ignored me completely. I could hear Elena's sobs now as she tried tugging me back. We all new she couldn't, She just didn't have the strength that Stefan has. I looked over at Elena's gang of friend who were now charging over to Stefan, Matt landed on the floor quickly followed by Tyler. Bonnie stepped back with fear striking threw her dark brown eyes as Elena didn't let me out of her grip - And neither did Stefan. Caroline came up behind Stefan; Attacking him from behind as Stefan slammed her into the wall. Everything went blurry and then I could see again. I was lying in the backseat of a very unfashionable car as Stefan sat in the drivers seat - Speeding off into the night. There was no Elena now, There was no one to help me. There was just me and Stefan, And I already new who would win that battle. I didn't dare to speak now, Knowing that at any moment if I say the wrong thing my neck will end up snapped. I couldn't let him kill me, Elena has already lost enough people. I won't let him kill me.

Stefan put the car in park and I new that we had reached his destination, This was either Live or die. A choice I had very long ago that Stefan took away from me. He stepped out of the car quickly as my door opened with in seconds 'Why are you doing this?'' I said threw gritted teeth as he grabbed me by the back of my neck and guided me. He was so much more powerful then I, And that terrified me. His grip made my neck tense and hurt. ''Elena was supposed to be mine! You could of had Katherine! I was happy until you came in and screwed things up.'' He said as I heard the anger and hurt in his tone as he pushed me up against a door, He loosened his grip and dragged me into the house as I tried to tear away from his hold. But I couldn't. We were downstairs in a flash, It was different seeing it from a humans point of view - The speed I mean. Stefan let go of me as he pushed me on to the ground, Kicking me in the stomach. I moaned in pain as I felt the wind get knocked out of me, But I would not surrender. Stefan quickly put barbed wire around wrists, A few of the barbed wire and some rope hung from the ceiling, Which held my arms up straight above me. Then he added two other pieces of barbed wire around my ankles as I yelped in pain. ''So this is what you're going to do? Torture me?!'' I said threw pain as I clutched my fists and felt the barbed wire dig into my wrists even deeper. ''The longer you fight, The more pain you cause your self.'' Stefan simply said with a evil smirk as I felt pain strike threw my calf, I looked down barely seeing the handle of a knife sticking out from my calf.  I held back my groans as best as I could, But lets face it I'm human now. And this hurts.. a lot. ''That's for all the times you staked me.'' Stefan said with a harsh tone as I felt the knife being taken out - Now Stabbed into my thigh ''That's for all the times you ruined my plans.'' The same harsh tone as before. He took the knife out, Stabbing my arm now. The room started to spin as I started to feel sick - Then everything went black.

''Hey.. Damon.. Damon, You need to wake up!'' I heard a soft tone say in panic, I raised my head slowly, Still dizzy from all the blood lose and pain. ''C...Car..Caroline?'' I managed but could feel a pain in my chest that hurt like a bitch. Caroline nodded ''I'm going to help you, Okay?'' she questioned in a soothing tone. I nodded slowly still half out of it, I heard a ripping noise then something wet touched my lips. Blood. I drank it in the fastest way possible as Caroline hurried me. Knowing Stefan wouldn't be gone long ''Where is he?'' I questioned as she took her wrist away from my mouth ''I staked him.. Twice. And put two syringes of Vervain into him.'' She said as she soothed me some more. ''I'm sorry.'' She said gently as I raised an eyebrow. I felt a crushing pain go threw my whole body then everything went black once more, But this time - I was dead.

''Hey, He's coming too.'' I heard a soft voice say almost in the distance. My eyes fluttered open as I seen Elena hovering over me, A smile crossing her face quickly. I smelt blood, I felt the craving with in me. I was a vampire again. My lips pulled back and my fangs bared threw - The pain I ignored as a snarl escaped my throat. ''Uh..'' Elena said almost panicked as she let Caroline bite her wrist and Elena placed her blood dripping wrist against my lips. It felt so good to have blood again, To be a vampire. I got lost in my thoughts and the good taste of her blood that I almost didn't stop. Caroline pulled me back as Elena covered her wrist with a towel ''Ow.'' She said quietly. I sat up quickly, Seeing my wounds were gone and I was now a full vampire. ''Sorry.'' I said disappointed in myself. ''It's okay,'' Elena hushed ''I'm so glad your here, Back to your normal self.'' Elena gushed as I seen tears run down her soft beautiful face and her arms wrapped around me quickly. I missed the intensity of everything. Especially the feeling of the love I have for this amazing human being. ''Thank you.'' I said genuinely to Caroline as Elena released me and headed downstairs - For a blood bag I assume. I heard Elena get to the bottom of the stairs and in the lowest voice possible she said ''I love you.'' She knew Caroline could also hear, But it was meant for my ears only. I felt like I blushed as I looked down at myself and smiled. ''You don't need to thank me, You'll just owe me.'' Caroline said in a chipper voice. ''I think I'll stay here tonight, To make sure..'' Caroline started as I cut her off ''To make sure I don't kill Elena.'' I said ending her sentence, Caroline nodded shyly and I smiled. I'm so glad Elena has friends like Caroline, If not I would be dead. ''You can take the guest room if you want.'' I suggested to Caroline as Elena arrived back in the living room. ''No it's okay, I can take the couch.'' Caroline said in her perky tone, I shook my head ''You saved me, The least I could do at this time is let you stay in an actual bed.'' I persisted as Caroline simply nodded her blond filled head. ''Here.'' Elena said handing me a blood bag ''Thank you baby.'' I said with a huge smile. Elena did a double take, Realizing I called her baby and that this was the first time ''I like that.'' She said with a cute smile as I stood up and wrapped my arms around her. Taking her into an embracing loving hug that I really needed more then anything right now, And I new she needed it even more. ''I love you, So so much Damon.'' She admitted sweetly as she laid her head upon my shoulder ''I love you, Elena.'' I said back, And it was the truth. The full honest truth, I could tell she was smiling as I rubbed her back. Caroline stayed silent, Which I thank her for. I went to kiss Elena's neck and smelt the delicious blood with in her, I didn't want to hurt her but I couldn't hold back. My lips pulled back once more and my teeth pierced into her neck. I felt her gasp then groan in pain as she tried to push me away, Though she couldn't. I was quickly pushed on the sofa by Caroline ''Damon! You have to be careful!'' Caroline said scared for Elena, But I didn't care. I wanted more.  I pounced towards Elena as I seen Caroline go towards me, We collided quickly as I let out a low growl. ''Damon, Damon. Stop.'' Caroline said in her regular soothing tone. I snapped back to reality as I looked over at a bleeding Elena. A frown formed on my face as Caroline got off me slowly and I stood to my feet. Elena stood in front of me looking at me with sad eyes then her eyes changed to something I had never seen. ''Change me.'' She said to me looking me straight in the eyes, Shock was all over my face. ''I.. I can't.'' I said as she shook her head ''I'd rather be like you, Spend eternity with you, Then spend my life almost getting killed every five seconds from your hunger.'' She admitted. ''What about Jeremy?'' I questioned ''He's in Denver  - So he can be safe.'' She told me and I grew confused ''I missed a lot .'' I said as Caroline interrupted ''Uh yeah, Um.. I won't let you do this.'' Caroline's tone had disapproval written all over it. ''It's not up to you.'' Elena's tone was eager as Caroline nodded at me slowly, Giving in to Elena. I bit my wrist hesitantly and placed it in front of Elena and she looked at me then my wrist, As hesitant as I was. She slowly brang it up to her lips as she looked at Caroline then back at me. Then I felt her teeth sink in, And blood leaving me slowly. She pulled back and wiped her mouth ''Kill me.'' She said ready for it. Caroline looked at me with pleading eyes, I didn't want to have to kill Elena. I wouldn't. ''No, I can't Elena.'' I said sad and hurt that she thought I would do that. She looked over at Caroline who shook her head 'no.' ''Fine, I'll do it myself.'' Elena said as she started running towards the door, It took Caroline a second to realize what was happening, We quickly got outside as Elena pulled out of the drive way in my car. Caroline and I jumped into her car at vampire speed as she drove like a maniac after Elena. ''Oh my god, Oh my god.'' Caroline said panicked. We got to Wickery Bridge and Elena and my car had vanished, I got out of the car quickly as Caroline followed behind quickly. I looked over the edge of the bridge into the open water as I seen My car slowly sink - Then it was fully under. ''No.'' I said almost in tears ''Stay here.'' I told Caroline as she nodded, Not knowing what to do and panicking. I gave her one last glance then jumped down into the water below. I swam to the bottom and seen my car sitting there and faintly seen a floating Elena. I quickly pried off the driver seat door and pulled Elena out as I swam up to the top with a limp Elena in my grasp.
At vampire speed we were at the top of Wickery Bridge beside Caroline as I laid down a lifeless Elena.  I sat there holding her in my arms as Caroline and I cried, An hour later she awoke to her new life, As a huge gasp escaped her lips.

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