You got me dead bang.

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Damon paced around Carolines older house, By the outside it looked brand new; But all the houses in Mystic Falls had a lot of history to them. Damon was angry 'Seriously Stefan?' He thought to himself as he furrowed his brows and kept on pacing. Suddenly he stopped and snapped out of it, He looked to his left and noticed Elena stopped him ''Where can we find Stefan?'' Elena's tone was pleading and helpless as if she would break down at any minute. Damon stood there and thought to himself ''Get in the car.'' He said to Elena sternly. Elena looked at Damon confused but didn't object, She simply exchanged glances with Damon and nodded her head. Damon looked at Caroline, Her blue eyes were no longer bubbly and cheerful. ''Does your mom have any vervain in the house?'' Damon questioned her. Caroline nodded ''Go get Elena to crush some up into a bottle, Get a lot though.'' Damon ordered Caroline. Caroline looked puzzled but nodded anyways, She came back up with gloves on her hands. Vervain in one hand and a bottle in another. ''Lets go.'' Damon said as he practically pushed Caroline out the door. 

''Where are we going?'' Elena questioned Damon as she crushed up the vervain. ''Never you mind.'' Damon said as he looked over at Elena than glanced in his rear view mirror at Caroline who was silent in the back seat. Elena looked over at Damon, Not letting Caroline notice. Damon could feel Elena staring. ''Is something going on between you two or.. have you both gone crazy?'' Caroline questioned with a disgusted look on her face. ''Oh please, Me and Damon?'' Elena questioned her trying to get her off there case. Caroline just rolled her eyes ''Then why'd you leave Stefan?'' Carolines voice was snarky with a rude edge to it. Elena shrugged ''I needed some time.'' She said as she bit her lip then looked at the road ahead.


The three of them finally got to Chicago, Damon parked in a parking lot out back of apartment buildings. ''Ok, Got the vervain all ready?'' Elena nodded ''Ready to fight Blondie?'' Caroline nodded in a sleepy way. Damon nodded back at them as they all got out of the car and went inside the apartment building and walked up the stairs; They finally got to Stefan's hide out. Elena had been here once before but Caroline hadn't. ''What is this place?'' Caroline questioned in a quite voice. ''Stefan's hide away place.'' Elena said in the same quiet tone. They finally reached Stefan's room as Damon kicked open the door, He looked around the room but no one was there. But Stefan had been here, There were blood bags everywhere ripped and torn with blood along with it. ''Damn it!'' Damon said angry, Hoping he would of caught Stefan. All Damon could smell was blood and it made him rather hungry, He looked over at Caroline who looked just as hungry. Damon went to the secret fridge and got out two blood bags, He tossed one over to Caroline and they both ripped them open at the same time. While they drank there blood Elena examined the room ''What a mess..'' She said looking at the blood on the walls and all over the carpet, There were papers and pictures everywhere too. She bent down and picked up a picture and looked at it. It was a picture of Elena and Stefan when they first started dating. Elena sighed as Damon examined her as he finished his blood bag and tossed it in the trash. Caroline snacked out on another one as she looked around the fascinating room. ''Hey look at this.'' Elena said as she looked at a desk in the corner with papers on it. Damon and Caroline walked over to the desk and looked down at the writing on the paper. ''Really?'' Damon said even more pissed off now then he was before. ''This is not going to be fun.'' Caroline complained. ''Well its off too Detroit we go.'' Damon said in a very angry tone as he punched a wall while walking out the door. Elena and Caroline jumped once his fist collided with the use to be white wall, They both looked at each other then followed after Damon. 

After a few hours of driving the three of them started to get tired; Even Damon. ''I'm stopping at a motel.'' Damon notified them. They both moaned in a tired tone ''We are leaving first thing in the morning.''Elena ordered him, Damon agreed. Damon kept driving and seen a sign for 'Motel 6' In Grand rapids. Damon drove into the parking lot and yawned the place looked grubby, Nothing over the top that's for sure. ''Come on.'' He said, The girls opened there eyes and got out of the car along with Damon. Damon paid the lady at the front desk an got the room key. ''We are all sleeping together but there's only two beds.'' Damon said with a small grin as he dangled the keys in front of there faces, He seen Elena blush which made his smile grow bigger. ''I'm sleeping in a bed on my own.'' Caroline protested as she grabbed the keys out of Damon's hand, unlocked the door and flopped on to the bed, She immediately fell into a deep sleep. ''She snores.'' Damon teased as he shut the door to there room. Elena smiled and nodded, She sat down on the edge of the bed ''We will find them.'' Damon reassured her, Knowing how much this was driving her insane and how much it was hurting her. Elena nodded ''I believe you.'' She said her voice filled with confidence, That was the first time he ever heard Elena say something like that. It made him happy, Really happy. The room was small, but big enough for one night, Damon looked around the room ''This is terrible.'' Elena said looking around with him. Damon nodded and then they both returned to the bed for a good nights sleep, Although the bed was very uncomfortable.

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