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Damon reassured Elena that Stefan would be fine, Although he was sure that Stefan would go ripper for a while. ''I don't care what happens with him. I just want to be with you. Just us from now on.'' Elena said determined. Damon wasn't sure how this was going to work out, Or how long she would want him for. He wasn't sure if he could change his ways, He knew he wouldn't its a part of who he is. Damon nodded at her. ''Lets get out of here, Its kinda gloom and doom in here.'' He said reminding her about what had just happened. Elena half smiled and went to the front door and slipped on her worn in black converse. Damon followed after and tugged on his oh familiar black leather boots. He opened the door and let Elena go out first, He shut the door behind him and started off for his car. ''Why not my car?'' Elena questioned him, Damon smirked ''Because its crap.'' He said and Elena nudged his arm. ''Can we stop at my place so I can get changed?'' Elena asked him as they hopped in the car ''I guess, But you look fine.'' Damon said as he turned on the car and backed out of the stretched out drive way. '

'We are keeping us on the hush hush for now by the way.'' Elena said as she turned to look at him, Damon nodded. As long as she was his all was fine. Damon parked in front of the Gilbert residence. Damon turned and faced Elena ''Park the car somewhere else then come up.'' Damon nodded, Liking the sneaking around. ''So I just walk in?'' He teased, Elena rolled her eyes ''You know what I mean.'' She said as she got out of the car. Elena hurried up the steps of her beautiful white painted home and walked inside. Damon watched her get inside safely as he turned the car back on and parked it around the corner. Damon got out and locked the car and at vampire speed he was in front of Elena's house, Then on the tree in front of her bedroom window, Damon seen that the window was open and climbed inside. He sat on Elena's bed as she walked out of the bathroom ''I'm going for a shower, Damon.'' She said to him. Damon smiled and motioned her in a 'Go for it' way. Elena shut the bathroom door and the water started running. Damon lurked around the room, He had been in here plenty times before and theres been a lot to happen in this room, But this time was different this time he was with Elena. Damon stood up and wandered around the room, Looking at the books on the book shelf; Hawthorne Heights, Anne Frank. And then some rubbish books. Damon seen her diary but didn't dare to touch it, No matter how much he wanted too. He walked over to her dresser and opened a drawer, He seen a picture of him tucked away under some shirts. Damon heard the water shut off and he quickly shut the door and sat on the bench in front of the window.

The bathroom door opened as Damon stared at Elena in shock ''Nice towel.'' Damon complimented her then stood up and walked over to her. ''Deja vu much.'' Elena said looking around the room. Damon eyes widened; Elena couldn't remember the last time he was here he compelled her not to. ''Oh?'' He said pretending to be confused. Elena nodded and shook her head ''Anyways, Don't look.'' Damon nodded and put his hands up in mock surrender as he turned around. ''Jeremy's coming up the stairs.'' He told Elena then disappeared into the bathroom. 'Really?' He asked himself surprised at his terrible choice in hiding places. Then came a knock at the door ''Elena..?'' Jeremy asked. Elena sighed ''Hey Jer, Just getting changed.'' Elena tugged on her clothes then opened the door as Damon listened. ''Are you ok? You don't seem yourself.'' Jeremy asked Elena ''Yeah I'm fine.'' Elena reassured him with a small smile, Jeremy nodded and headed down the stairs. Elena shut the bedroom door as Damon came out of the bathroom and stared at Elena. ''You look.. Beautiful.'' Damon said with a pleasant smile. Elena looked down at herself ''Thanks.'' She said with a smile in return. ''Meet you outside.'' Elena said as she opened the bedroom door, Damon gave her a small nod and then he was gone.

 Damon and Elena arrived at Mystic Grill; The local bar and grill and also the local hangout. Damon opened Elena's door for her and let her out ''Hush hush remember.'' Elena reminded him, She couldn't let people find out yet. Damon rolled his eyes ''I know.'' He said as they walked into the grill together. Damon immediately spotted Blondie, Also known as Caroline one of Elena's close friends. Next to Caroline was Tyler, No surprise there. He looked cocky as usual as he played pool with Caroline and Matt. Damon heard Elena inhale deeply ''It'll be okay.'' Damon whispered to her. Elena nodded in response to what Damon had said. Damon motioned towards the bar and Elena followed. All eyes were on them now, Caroline looked annoyed and Tyler and Matt looked rather angry. Damon sat on the bar stool and Elena joined him ''They don't seem to pleased.'' Damon joked. Elena shut her eyes momentarily then looked over at him ''I wonder why that is.'' Her tone was sarcastic. Damon ordered whiskey; As usual and Elena got Pepsi. Damon listened in on what Elena's friends where saying, Which was easy with vampire hearing. ''What is he doing here?'' He heard Blondie ask quietly to Matt and Tyler. ''No the question is why is she with him?'' Matt asked in his usual mopey voice. Damon rolled his eyes ''I think Matt's a little jealous.'' Damon said quietly knowing Caroline could hear him. Elena opened her pop and cocked her head to the left ''He's not jealous.. He's just. Worried.'' Elena suggested unsure of herself. Damon smiled and brought his glass to his mouth.

The song that was playing at the Grill had ended and now The middle by Jimmy eat world was playing. Damon first heard this song while on his road trip with Elena, He seen a small smile cross her beautiful face as she sang '' And don't you worry what they tell themselves when you're away. It just takes some time, Little girl you're in the middle of the ride.. Everything will be just fine.'' Damon stared at Elena, Taking in the current day and the night before. How everything had happened so quickly and yet he had never felt any happier, He still felt a little bad about hurting Stefan but he knew that would pass soon. Damon took another sip of his drink as he seen Blondie walk up to them. ''Elena.. What's Damon doing here?'' Caroline questioned her. ''He's just hanging out Care.'' Elena reassured Caroline as Damon gave her a rude smirk. ''Right..'' Caroline said then furrowed her brows as she walked back to the boys.

-A few hours later-

Damon and Elena had had enough of the Grill, They drove back to the Salvatore boarding house. Damon opened the door as they both kicked off there shoes. ''Be right back.'' Damon said as he kissed Elena's cheek ever so lightly, And in the snap of a finger Damon was gone and back with a blood bag in his hand. Elena looked at him in a funny way, Damon walked into the kitchen as Elena trailed behind him. There was a post-it note in a lime green colour stuck to the fridge. 'Damon, By the time you read this I will be gone from Mystic Falls. Don't try and find me. You and Elena have a happy life - Stefan.' Damon crumpled it up and tossed it in the trash. ''Looks like broody left town.'' Damon said as he ripped the top off the blood bag and looked at Elena. Elena sighed ''Well, If that is whats going to make me and you better, Then its for the best.'' She said. Damon could tell Elena was hurt and upset, Even if she was with him now. ''You going to be okay?'' Damon questioned her with his eyebrows raised. Elena nodded ''Yeah.. Yeah of course.'' Elena gave him a small smile. This was the start of their forever, It was destiny.

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