Heartbreak and new love.

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Damon woke up to banging on his bedroom door, He rolled over and seen Elena laying there. Damon looked left and right confused, He thought it was all a dream but here she was laying beside him fast asleep. Damon smiled a 'Damon smile.' As he seen Elena sleeping there beside him. His heart was filled with joy for once. The banging on the door came again as Damon turned his attention to the door. He got up sleepily and rubbed his eyes as he opened the door just a crack so he could see who it was and they could see him. ''Where's Elena?!'' Stefan said angrily at Damon. ''Well good morning to you too.'' Damon's tone was snarky as he looked at Stefan. ''Her shoes are here so where is she Damon?!'' He could tell how angry Stefan was by how many wrinkles Stefan had showing on his forehead. Damon shook his head ''Why do you think I have something to do with it?'' Damon asked with raised eyebrows as his tone was a fake innocent. Stefan rolled his eyes and headed down stairs ''Maybe she is some where around the house.'' Damon yelled as he went back in his bedroom and shut the door behind him.

Elena was sitting up with sleepy eyes, Facing Damon. ''Good morning sleeping beauty.'' Damon said in his regular tone. Damon walked over and sat on the bed, Beside her. ''Stefan?'' She asked half worried and half annoyed. Damon nodded as he crinkled his nose. ''What are we going to do?'' Elena sighed. Damon did not regret the night before what so ever, But he did feel bad for possibly hurting Elena. Damon touched his ear twice then put his finger over his lip in a hush hush way. Elena nodded and turned to her side so her whole body was facing Damon. ''You remember?'' Damon said quietly, Elena nodded knowing he was talking about what had happened last night. ''And I don't regret it, I just wish we didn't have to deal with Stefan.'' She sighed. Damon understood and was taken back by her saying she didn't regret it. ''Mise well get it over with now.'' Elena said unpleasing.

Elena tugged on her sweater, Noticing the chill in the air. Damon watched her as she stood up and headed to his side. ''Ready?'' He asked amused, Ready for what Elena was going to say to Stefan and pleased by what his reaction will be. Elena nodded unsure if she was or not. Damon opened his bedroom door as he let Elena leave the room first and walk down the stairs first, She shot Damon a nervous look and Damon looked back at her in reassuring way. Elena looked left and right and there was no sight of Stefan at the bottom of the stairs; She walked into the kitchen as Damon followed behind her, Still not a sight of him. Damon could hear Stefan in the basement of the Salvatore boarding house, It sounded like he was punching walls.

Damon let a small sly smile spread across his face at the thought of that. Elena rolled her eyes, Knowing Damon was eaves dropping on Stefan. Damon pointed down at the ground, Showing Elena that Stefan was in the basement. Elena nodded in Damon's direction and He seen a smile appear on Elena's face. Damon walked up to Elena and moved her messy hair out of her face and his eyes stayed on hers. He could tell Elena was hesitant, But this time there was something about her expression he had never seen before and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He felt Elena's hands go on both sides of his face as there lips melted together once more, Damon could hear Stefan walking up the basement stairs and in just a matter of seconds Stefan would finally see what was happening. He  knew Elena couldn't hear Stefan walking up the stairs one she was too focused on the kiss, Two being a vampire makes you quite and unnoticeable. Damon felt Elena push him up against the counter 'Oh this should be good.' Damon thought to himself. There kiss got more intense as they both heard a low growl, Elena pulled away ''Sorry.'' She said to Damon thinking it was him. Damon had a huge grin across his face ''It wasn't me.'' He said as he turned to face Stefan.

Stefan growled an angry hurt growl. Elena looked from Damon to Stefan, Damon had an amused grin on his face an Stefan was ready to kill Damon. Stefan threw everything off of the counter as another growl escaped his lips he slammed his fist down on the modern counter in anger ''What the hell!?'' He growled in anger. ''I.. I can explain.'' Elena said slowly, Unsure of what was going to happen. Damon shook his head ''It's all my fault.'' Damon said, Taking the blame. Elena sighed and bowed her head, She shook it and her eyes met Stefan's  ''No, It's no ones fault.'' She admitted as both the brothers stared at her one in angry and one in fascination. ''I got tired of you not caring, Stefan. I can't wait around for your feelings to change back, I'm so alone and I came here last night to see Damon.'' Elena said pausing and looking at Damon, He was confused now. 'But she said she was here for Stefan.' He said to himself. ''To see if something was really there, I pretended I was drunk and Damon and I kissed. I slept in his bed and now we are here.'' Elena said some what disappointed in herself. Stefan's anger had left now sadness lingered all over his face, Stefan let his head fall. Damon watched him waiting for Stefan to snap on him. ''So who is it Elena?'' Damon heard Stefan ask ''Don't do this Stefan.'' She said pleading. Damon could see the tears rolling down Stefan's face ''Who is it!?'' Stefan screamed, But this time the scream was filled with hurt; Betrayal. ''Damon.'' Elena said almost silently. Damon's eye brows raised he wasn't sure if this was one hell of a dream or reality, He couldn't believe what he was hearing. ''Always?'' Stefan asked her in pain as the tears kept rolling. ''I can't think about always, All I can think about is right now.'' Elena's tone was sad for Stefan. ''And I care about you Stefan, Which is why I have to let you go.'' Elena said as Stefan nodded his head. Stefan was gone at vampire speed, Elena turned to Damon as he wiped her tears from her eyes. ''You don't have to do thi-'' Damon started but Elena cut him off ''Yes I do, I've been living one big lie. Acting like you've met nothing to me and that all my love is for Stefan. At one point in time it was, But you grew on me and you got under my skin and no matter what I do I can't shake you.'' Elena admitted in pure honesty. There arms wrapped around each other into a warm loving embrace, A much needed one. 

Damon was flabbergasted, But he sure was happy. There was and would always be something there for Elena, And not the same feeling he had with Katherine. With Katherine it was young, naive love. With Elena, It was real and pure. Elena was his Juliet, Though he was no Romeo.. More like Dr jekyl and Mr hyde.

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