"Well, we're the losers. You're welcome if you want too".

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Bills POV

I stopped being nervous on my first day of school a few years ago, since my family move a lot. But for some reason i was really nervous this time. If it was because it seemed like it where twice as many people here than on my last school, or if it was because of the group of older boys by the entrance i don't know.

I walked past them while keeping my eyes down, luckily they didn't say anything. I'm used to be picked on, maybe i'm just gonna be a normal student this time.

But I never am, because of my stutter.

I unlocked my locker and got my books. I have math this period. I made it to class only five minutes late, making everyone turn when I walked trough the door. The teacher said " Everyone this is Bill, be nice to him," he pointed to a seat beside a boy with dark brown curls. "You can sit next to Richard".

"My name is Richie" he loudly said. I went to sit down and somebody tripped me, luckily i didn't fall. I just stumbled to my seat and let my bag down beside my feet.

Ten minutes later the brown haired boy turned towards me. "I'm Richie, good luck on surviving this school year." I frowned, but i didn't want to talk, i didn't want him to know i stutter. I usually try not to judge anyone but he seemed like the typical asshole, he looked like it too. "Bullies. There's a lot of bullies." then he just turned around and threw a pencil on one of his friends.

In lunch I sat down alone on a table, it was hard to make friends when nobody talked to me, and when I don't want people to know I stutter. I ate my fries when a group of people sat down on my table. The raven haired boy from maths and a few other ones, I looked down at my food.

"So what's up billy boy ?" Richie said, god I have to answer him, but I don't want them to know I stutter. "Nothing much." I relaxed, no stuttering.

"Where you from?" the only girl asked. "N-new york." I swallowed, I felt my palms get sweaty. "You can't even talk?" Richie said, the other laughed. Why would he warn me about bullies an then be the one picking on me?

I got up and walked out of the cafeteria. I heard steps behind me, a small boy wearing booty shorts and a fanny pack. "Hi, I'm Eddie, I'm in your class. Don't care about them, Richie and his friends." He had squeaky voice, and he talked fast.

"They aren't nice, like, never. The girl, her name is Beverly, or Bev. But don't worry not everyone on this school is as bad as them, you seem normal so they probably won't bother you so much, it's just because you're new. After a while they'll leave you alone. Unless you give them a reason to keep teasing you."

How did that kid breathe while talking? Three other boys came. "I'm Stanley, call me Stan" the boy with light curly hair sad. "I'm Mike, and this is Ben" the brow boy said and looked at the shorter, chubby boy.

"I-I'm Bill" They looked at me in silence, Eddie spoke "you didn't by any chance talk to them? or, like.." he didn't want to say it. "Stutter." I completed his sentence. "Yeah, but you didn't, right?" They looked worried.

"I-I kinda d-did.." and I knew this was one of the things that would make them pick on me. "Well, we're the losers. You're welcome if you want too".

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