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My friend drew me wearing that terrible awsten wig

mar 23rd, 2026
11:22 PM / 23:22


"Why what?"

"Why can't you try to live? For Gerard? Your parents? Your friends? Me?"

"I'm sorry," Mikey quietly muttered.

"Don't be," (Y/N) sighed, shifting her body to face him.

"You've tried to kill yourself how, how many times since I left for university?"

"For those four years you were gone, more than twelve times. Since we started dating, two."

"Am I not good enough?" (Y/N) queried.

"Good enough? You're so much more than enough."

"Then why can't you try to live for me?"



"...I'm sorry."

"Stop being sorry, no one's mad at you."

"You sound mad."

(Y/N) sighed, "I'm not mad, I'm just... worried. Maybe I'll have Awsten fill in for me on tour—"

"No, you should go on tour. Don't let me hold you back."

"Mikey— I love you, and I trust you. But, I also have a part of me that's saying you're going to try to kill yourself while I'm in another continent."



"I won't, I won't, I won't. I won't try to kill myself. I'll— I'll live for you. I wanna get married to the love of my life, and raise kids with her."

(Y/N) replied with a hopeless sigh.

"Are you positive?"

"Yes, (Y/N)."

"...Fine. But Gerard and I agreed that if you kill yourself, then the two of us are gonna jump off a building together. And that would cause Frank to jump off a bridge, along with Mikey, then Mai and Luna, then Raven, then Awsten, then Geoff and Otto, and it just goes on and on."

"What— you can't just give me the pressure of other people's lives on my shoulders!"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

No, I'm not, (Y/N) thought to herself.

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