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Moikey joined the chat

Moikey: ...

Juliet: ...

(Y/N) joined the chat

(Y/N): okay umm

(Y/N): CMLs on stage so uh

(Y/N): what the fuck do you want you fucking cheese

snallon weekes joined the chat

snallon weekes: ITS THE CHEESE WIFE


Juuliet: what the fuck

snallon weekes left the chat

Moikey: what? Nobody likes the cheese wife and her cheese babies.

Ramoose joined the chat

Ramoose: how are the cheese babies

(Y/N): what the fuck aren't you supposed to be on stage

Ramoose: I am but Raven and Luna are making interesting commentary; meme review atm

Moikey: not even gonna question it

Gee joined the chat

Gee: stop blowing up my phone what's up tho

(Y/N): Juliet's back even though Mikey kicked her out of the chat?

Gee: OH?

Gee: Anyways wyd

(Y/N): consuming an entire can of whipped cream

Gee: ...

Gee: save some for me i am sprinting to the bus

Gee left the chat

(Y/N): what

Moikey: what

Juuliet: what

Ramoose: what

Gee joined the chat

Gee: I forgot Juliet was here

Gee: what're the names of your cheese babies

Gee: Mike Cheddar? Lillian Mozzarella? Brie–anna?


(Y/N): that's surprising

Moikey: I'm gonna go watch television

Moikey left the chat

Ramoose: but

Ramoose: the cheese babies

Plexiglass joined the chat

Plexiglass: why are you all freaking out i'm crying and drinking tea

Juuliet: hhh hi lexie

Moikey joined the chat

Moikey: ........................

emo band texts 3 // emo quartet au Where stories live. Discover now