Part 3

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The next morning I was up early, I had accepted that I was just going to have to donate what I couldn't take to LA and fit in a studio apartment and I was going to get a u-haul and drive. I had called my friend to tell her that I couldn't sell her my car because I needed to drive it LA. I booked a cleaner for the exit clean and I organised with my realtor to drop the keys off the next day.

I was about to leave to go and pick up the u-haul when the doorbell chimed. I groaned and grabbed my keys so I could greet the guest and tell them to piss off. I picked up my bag as I was walking to the door and groaned when I opened the door because Logan Paul was standing at my front door. "Going somewhere?" He asked curiously as he offered me a coffee.

"Yeah, to get a u-haul." I said as I stared at him with a confused look on my face. I didn't know why he was here, I hadn't spoken to him since I had told him to leave the day before. The only thing that had come from our conversation was him giving me the kick in the ass that I needed. I got myself in to gear, I booked a u-haul and made a definite decisions on what I was doing.

"Oh! You're gonna drive?" He looked surprised.


"Look I know I've done some shitty things to you over the years but I just want you to know that I'm sorry." He sighed and dropped his hand that was offering me coffee. I stood there stupidly and just stared at him, I had ranted on the phone to Jake after we texted and explained to him what had happened. I had a feeling that Jake had said something to Logan because he had just turned up at my house and was being nice and acting like we hadn't argued and been dicks to each other less than 24 hours ago. "Take the damn coffee and accept my help, Sophie." He groaned impatiently after almost a minute of me just standing there staring at him like an idiot.

I did as he said and took the coffee. "You don't have to help." I mumbled stupidly.

"If I don't help you I'm not going back to LA because Jake will kick my ass." So I took the coffee as a peace offering. Because even though he was only doing it because Jake had told him too, he was still making the effort. Things would be difficult if didn't at least try and be nice if he was trying too.

"You can help me pack the u-haul." I said. "I'm gonna leave tomorrow morning." I told him and closed the door behind me and walked down the stairs of the porch and over to my car.

"That soon huh? You got enough time?" He asked as he followed me.

"I think so, I've got a heap of stuff to take good will but other than that everything just needs to go in the u-haul and the cleaner is coming tomorrow before I leave. So I just gotta make sure everything is out before she arrives." I said as I walked over to my car.

He jumped in the passenger seat and that started my day with Logan Paul.

"Wait. Why are you putting your bed in the u-haul?" Logan asked loudly as we moved my mattress in to the trailer that was parked on the lawn out the front. I had been wondering how long it was going to take him to realise.

"I'm gonna stay with a friend tonight." I told him. I wanted everything out of the house so the only thing I had to do in the morning was get up, let the cleaner in and show her how to lock up and go to the realtor to hand back the key. The sooner I got on the road the sooner I wouldn't have any excuses left to stay.

"Which friend?"

"Uh, first of all it doesn't matter which friend it is. Second of all, it's none of your business." I scoffed loudly as I dropped my end of the mattress on the grass and let him finish putting it in the trailer himself.

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