Part 26

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If you're still reading after all this time, bless you. I love you and I hope you're having a great day! Don't forget to vote and comment! 

I didn't know what to do. I was flying into Cleveland Airport and I had completely forgotten to tell my mom that I was coming. But my mom was flaky as fuck and part of me wondered if she would panic if I told her that I was coming. "You just gonna show up?" Jake asked.

I was sandwiched between my two-favourite people in the entire world, my hand tangled with Logan's and Jake's arm around my shoulder. Nervous was the feeling I'd been feeling since we boarded the plane. Claustrophobic was another one because I was wearing a face mask and I was finding it hard to control the anxiety it gave me. "If I tell her I'm coming she's not going to let me in." I said. "I wanted to call CPS and see if I could find out anything but other than my mom's name what else can I give them. The only thing I know about this baby is that it's got health complications because of her." I knew that once I got to Ohio, I would be able to get more information, but I was feeling anxious because of how little I knew currently.

How long had I been going about my days when there was a child who needed someone more responsible than my mother? How many disgusting substances had my mother knowingly put into this baby's system?

I was trying to block out the thought that I might have to move back to Ohio. I hated the idea of moving back to Ohio. I remember going to LA in the car with Logan and dreading the thought of starting over somewhere new. But now after almost a year, I loved LA. I loved the people I was surrounded by and I couldn't even fathom the thought of living anywhere but LA. "We'll work it out." Logan murmured as he leaned his head to the side and rested it on my shoulder.


When we arrived at Cleveland Airport, Pam was waiting in the parking lot for us. I was relieved to rip off my mask and her hug was comforting, even though I was fighting everything in my body not to ask her if she knew that mom had had a baby.

There were so many people that I knew that were still in contact with my mom. Pam was not one of them, but she did live across the street from her. I often wondered if they waved at each other when they went out to collect the mail. "I've missed you all so much." She said as she squeezed me back.

We got in her car and started driving towards her house. The anxiety was building so I shuffled into the middle seat next to Logan who was on the left and he stretched his arm over my shoulder and I hugged him from the side.

"Will you go see her right away?" Jake asked from the front seat.

"I think it's best if I do." I nodded my head.

"You want one of us to come with you?" Logan chimed in.

"I think I should do it by myself." I said quietly.

"You can always come get us if you need us." Jake offered with a smile.

When we arrived we got out of the car and started pulling the luggage out of the car. I just stood at the end of the droveway staring at my childhood home. The unbelievable memories that came swimming back sent shivers down my spine. The fact that my little brother was in that home made me feel sick. "Come inside for a coffee before you go," Pam put her hand on my shoulder and smiled at me through thin lips.

"Decaf," Logan muttered as he pulled the last suitcase out of the car. A stupid smile spread across my face because Logan was always a bit on edge when I was anxious.

So I went inside and had a decaf coffee before I pulled out my phone and texted Charlotte to tell her that I had arrived and I was about to go over to see my mom.

Are you jealous? - Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now