Part 19

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Logan's POV

I stared at my phone. There were a few reasons I was staring at it. Mainly because I was so drunk that my vision was blurry as fuck and I had to have it close to my face so I could squint at it. The second reason was because I was looking at the words I had just typed in to my phone. I think I was shocked. I dropped the phone on the floor before I did something really dumb and looked around the room.

I was alone.

I needed to talk to someone.

I picked up my phone again. I used what brain capacity I had left to send a text.

Logan: Bro, I need help

Mac: I'm coming ✌🏼

Mac: gimme 5

When Mac arrived I opened the door and breathed a sigh of relief as I picked up my phone and went to the messages I'd just been sending Phe. The words were still there in the message box, I had thankfully not sent them. "What the fuck is happening to me, Mac?" I was now running my hands through my hair while I paced the room.

Mac seemed just as shocked as I was and he sat on the edge of my bed just staring at my phone. "It's not really a surprise." He said finally.

"That's not helpful." I grunted in response.

"Drunk words are sober thoughts, bro." He shrugged his shoulders. "It's pretty obvious to everyone but you and Phe." He said.

"I almost sent that to her. I literally just got her back, I can't fuck it up by springing something like that on her." I whined helplessly. My drunk ass was so confused.

"Get some sleep, think about it tomorrow morning and if you still feel the same way then maybe you should do something about it. She likes you too. She's not gonna say no." Mac suggested. "I love you bro, but you've been beating around the bush for like fifteen years. It's time." He said finally as he stood up from the bed and stretched his arms over his head.

"You don't think she'll say no?" I cocked an eyebrow at him. Drunk Logan was ecstatic about the prospect of Phe liking him back. Yet Sober Logan had been fucking it up consistently for fifteen years.

"Naw, she likes you. She's liked you since she moved man. She might not admit it easily but I know she does."

"You need to take my phone. I'm gonna end up doing something stupid." I said.

"Write yourself a note so you don't forget." He chuckled. "Night." He said brightly and took my phone with him as he left.


Sophie's POV

When we got back to LA I couldn't even fathom the thought of going to my own house. I still hadn't received any information about the police investigation and I hadn't received any messages from Brody. So I wasn't sure if he was following me and keeping a low profile because of the cops or if he had given up. "I need to find somewhere else to stay." I mumbled to Mike lowly. We were sitting in a row together on the plane. Lana was sat on the other side of him and he was enjoying being sandwiched between the two of us.

"You can stay with us." Mike said.

"I can't always stay with Logan." I frowned.

Logan had been acting weird for the past couple of days and I couldn't quite figure out why. It was just little things. Like he'd stopped hugging me and he didn't follow me around like a lost puppy when we were in crowds. I'm not sure what happened but I didn't like it. I hadn't talked to anyone about it because I wasn't sure if I was imagining things or not.

Are you jealous? - Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now