Chapter 3

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"Uh... I'm a new neighbor"
Came the voice, deep and raspy.

"And... I'm here to borrow-"
The stranger got cut off as the lights flickered on. For once, life decided to help her and she was thankful with all of her heart.

Not wanting to waste anymore seconds, Lisa peeped through the eyehole curious about the person at her doorstep.

Little did she know that a surprise, as worthy as a Christmas present was awaiting her. A small gasp escaped her lips as she stood on her tippy toes, getting the best of her curiosity. Eyes widened at the sight of the person, Lisa literally felt like the heavens blessed her that moment.

There he was, the stranger whom she has been going crazy for. The same pair of dreamy eyes that were now clueless, waiting for someone to open the door.

Holding her breath and hands clutched to her chest, Lisa squealed as she skipped and jumped. She tried her best not to smile like an idiot and composed herself before opening the door.

Ready to witness one of the god's masterpieces, she let out a breath before fixing her gaze on him.

"Um.. hello?"
His smile was unsure yet warm, as he spoke the words.

"Yeh.. hello.. sorry for not showing up early"
Lisa politely apologized.

"N-no it's fine.."
He scratched his nape, not knowing what to say next.

"Is there anything I could help you with?"
She questioned, making him remember the purpose of his visit.

"Oh yeh.. I just came here to borrow a pair of scissors.. I can't find mine... must have packed it with other stuffs.."
He mumbled the last part, but still she was able to hear.

"Yeh.. wait a sec I'll be back"
Lisa asked him to wait before going in, pulling out the kitchen scissors out of one of the drawers and heading back out.

He mumbled before receiving it.

"Um.. once you're done unpacking let me know, I'd like to invite you for some coffee.. we are new neighbors after all"
Lisa offered, smiling ever so brightly shining all the spot lights on him.

"Yeh sure... Then see you around"
He waved returning the smile, taking one last glance of her before turning his tracks towards his apartment which was right next to hers.

Lisa breathed out as she entered her home and locked the door behind her.
Letting herself slide down the door, she squealed out of happiness.

Have you ever imagined? The person whom you secretly admire everyday, the one who almost turned you into a stalker lives right next door? Well that's what just happened to Lisa.

But there's something important that she forgot to ask. Something only he could answer to.

"His name..."
Lisa whispered to herself wondering what his name would be.


"Lis?... Lisa!??"
The boy who was desperate to get her attention finally succeeded.

"Yeh... Jungkook?"
Lisa asked clueless, waking up from her daydream.

These two were on their break, having lunch at the univ's cafeteria. Settled with their own tray of food, digging in. Jungkook was quite confused about why the girl kept spacing out, while Lisa on the other side stressed out what her new neighbor's name would be.

"What's going on in your head? Are you directing a movie or something?
You've been spacing out from the time we got here"
Jungkook said, shoving some rice into his mouth.

"Uh.. nothing really... Just wondering something"
Lisa answered, scooping some yogurt.

"Lately something is going on with you, did something new or unusual happen?"
Jungkook asked, as he put his cutlery down fixing his gaze on the girl.

"Um.. H-how can you be so sure?"
Lisa stuttered, feeling dumbfounded.

"Come on Lis! I know you better and moreover I'm a psychology student it's quite easy for me to read you."
Jungkook was desperate to pull out the words from her.

"It's all in your mind Kook..."
Lisa avoided his eyes as she spoke.

"You're lying"
He said sternly, before walking away with his tray and backpack.

She whispered, as she saw his tall physique disappear in the crowd.

Jungkook was a bit annoyed at the fact that Lisa started to keep secrets from him. He couldn't help but turn his back on her, the only one who he truly cares for. They always shared anything and everything, never once had any secrets between them. This sudden change in Lisa made him feel anxious. He started to fear that she might leave him someday.


"And that's it for today's class. I expect you all to turn in your assignments by the end of this week"
The professor walked out after informing.

Without wasting anytime Lisa rushed out with her stuff, this time in search of Jungkook and not him. Dialing Jungkook's number, she held the phone near her ear waiting impatiently.

"Kook- ah I'm really sorry!! can we talk?"
She spilled the words, once the call got connected.

"Why would you ask sorry Lis? It's not your fault though, I should be knowing my place."
Jungkook literally spat fire at the poor girl.

"Jungkook... Why are you being so cold and sarcastic? I just don't get it! Why are you so mad at me?"
Lisa in turn threw few words too.

"Cold? Sarcastic? Well then it is! I'm going to hang up Lis!"

He hung up just like that.

She tried calling again, but to her vain everything ended up in voice mail. Disappointment setting in, Lisa dragged her feet to the bus stop. Fights and misunderstandings weren't new to them, but never once neither one of them avoided eachother. They always tend to sit and talk it out to solve the problem. The way Jungkook turned her calls down made her blame herself for not being a good friend, someone not enough for him to call his best friend. Biting her lips Lisa held back the tears that threatened to fall.

As if the nature understood her, it broke down into millions of tears masking her own ones. Still, she stood there like a winter lake silently sobbing. The bus stop emptying as the human current moved to sheltered places leaving the poor girl alone.

Just then a pair of shoes stood in front of Lisa and she no more felt the rain droplets trickling her damp body.

"Is it raining inside the umbrella? Or are you crying?"
Came the voice deep and raspy.


guess the person.. huhuhu

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