Chapter 20

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Few hours ticking away Lisa finally woke up in the late evening. As a general procedure she had to undergo few tests and when everything was done the hands on the clock hit 9. The nurse handed over her results to Jungkook and explained about the medicines she should be taking.

After paying off the bills and collecting the meds, at last the two boys entered Lisa's room to check on her. Walking closer to her bed Jungkook stood there, just staring down on her. Still not completely out of the trauma, the girl remained voiceless and spaced out.

He called out sitting beside her, on the bed. Nothing but silence came his way as a reply.

"Say something doll"
He muttered, eyes fixed on hers. Again, her lips remained pursed refusing to answer.

"Let her be, Kook. Give her some space..."
Jimin suggested, making the maknae retreat.

"Lisa we'll be back in few minutes"
The latter informed before pulling Jungkook out of the room with him.

"Jungkook take it slow... She's struck in a traumatic experience it might end bad if we push her to the edge"
He said, rubbing circles on Jungkook's back.

"But hyung look at her... If we don't try to make her open up I'm afraid that she might end up this way for the rest of her life... Watching her like this is more than enough to rip me apart... And how ironic she's like the nickname that I gave her years ago..."
He stated, running a hand through his hair frustrated.

"I understand... But first let's find out who this Taehyung guy really is... Something is totally off and I'm suspecting that he's some kind of player..."
Jimin uttered.

"If he's one then I'll fucking rip his body into shards when I get him"
He replied clenching his teeth.

Jimin rolled his eyes at the statement.

"But... How can we find him hyung? We don't know anything about this guy..."
Jungkook trailed off.

"We do have few bits left... After all we know where he used to live so Lisa's landlord might give us some information about him"
Jimin stated.

"Right. Then let's go meet him in the morning"
Jungkook suggested.

"No. You ain't coming, you have to look after Lisa. I'll go with Yoongi hyung"

Jimin cut him off.

"No buts Kook. It's better if you stay by her side, she needs you right now"

Jungkook sighed, giving in.

"I need the landlords contact number, can you get it from her phone"
Jimin questioned.

"I think it's in her apartment... We were in a rush, must have left it behind"

"Hmm.. ok then get me her keys I'll crash at her place and get the number before meeting the landlord"

"The door is simply shut you can just get in"
Jungkook replied, gaining a judging look from Jimin.

He defended.

"Nothing. I'll take my leave here. I'll see you tomorrow and for god's sake don't force her to speak"
Jimin warned.

"Sure sir!"
Jungkook joked, as the latter simply smiled and made his way out.

"How am I supposed to stay clam when she's like this?"
He mumbled to himself.

A sigh escaping his lips, Jungkook entered her room sliding it shut behind him. Making way towards her bed he found Lisa sound asleep. A sad smile crept up his lips watching the girl sleep peacefully.

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