Chapter 19

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"Who do you mean Taehyung? There's no one here Lis!"

"What are you trying to show me in an empty house?"
Jungkook added, fixing his eyes on hers.

Lisa muttered confused.

"Look around... There's no one here"
He said, a mix of worry and confusion displayed in his face.

She breathed out turning around.

The sight of an empty house flooded her vision, other than paint tubs and wallpapers lying in the corner nothing else were left to count in the room.

The reality check being too much for the girl to handle, her head started to pound causing an excruciating pain. Trying to process the situation, made it even more painful. Clutching onto her banging head the girl collapsed on the floor.

Jungkook's quick reflex caught the girl before she hit the ground.

"Lis! You ok?"
His panic mode being turned on, poor Kook didn't know what to do.

Lisa gasped for air as her eyes rolled at the back of her head. A sudden drop in her body temperature made her look pale and lifeless. The girl looked dead, only her deep breaths made the boy think otherwise.

Gathering his thoughts together, Jungkook inhaled deeply before scooping her in his arms. Rushing out of the deserted house, he quickly made his way towards Lisa's home. Carefully making her lie on the couch, Jungkook just remained staring at her not know what's next.

She breathed out, reaching out a hand towards him.

"Yes I'm here"
He inched closer, kneeling down to her level gaze grazing hers.

"Where's Tae?"
She murmured, grabbing a fist full of Jungkook's shirt in her hands. Eyes glistened, she searched for an answer in his.

But the boy's face dropped down emotionless. Clenching his jaw Jungkook controlled his bubbling up anger. Roughly removing her hands from his shirt he got up from his position.

"I don't know"
He replied sternly.

"You don't know?! What did you do to him?!"
Lisa choked out clutching onto her chest, her breaths becoming shallow in the passing second.

"What did I do?! Lisa you can't accuse me of that! I have never seen him in the first place! That's absurd!"
Jungkook defended partially yelling.

"Liar! B-bring him back to me! I know you did something to h-him!!"
She cried out, stuttering.

Jungkook felt like being stabbed right in the middle of his heart. Her blind accusation is more than enough to kill him a million times. But considering the current situation he prioritized her stability and sanity over his feelings. Letting out a sigh he composed himself before speaking.

"Lis don't push yourself. You're hyperventilating and you're breathing is far from stable... So stay clam and take deep breaths I'll go look for some help"

Before getting out of her apartment Jungkook opened the windows and turned on the humidifier for the air to circulate. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he quickly dialed Jimin's number not really thinking of anything else. Nervously pacing back and forth in the hallway, he waited impatiently for hi to pick. Few rings in and the line got connected.

He exclaimed.

"Yeh Kook"

"Hyung! I need your help!"

"Hey you ok?"
Jimin questioned worried.

"I'm fine... But it's... L-lisa"
His voice croaked in middle as he spoke.

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