Chapter 5

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The next morning, Lisa woke up feeling much better. Thanks to someone who forced her to take the meds. With a smile she got out of the bed and fixed it before heading out to the kitchen.

Morning princess!
Hope you're feeling better now...

PS. You don't have any classes in the morning found the info on your group chat while playing games on your phone ㅋㅋ
Sowwy... Your storage space is running out..

Aish this kid! She thought to herself, grinning ear to ear. It's not the first time Jungkook using her phone for playing games. Whenever the boy runs out of battery on his phone he sneaks out Lisa's to download and play all sorts of games, over populating her deserted storage.

"Hmm... so no classes in the morning.."
She said as she stretched her body before letting out a long sigh.

She didn't feel like doing anything, anything other than reading some books. There were few assignments left to complete, yet she cared less about them.

Ditching her morning routine, Lisa settled with a new novel that she had bought the last week. It was a crime and thriller based novel, which she had been waiting impatiently to read since the pre release of the story description.


Time went by quickly that she didn't even notice it. Only the growling of her stomach pulled her submerged self in the story line, out. Lazily getting out of the couch, Lisa walked to the kitchen only to find out that there's nothing left to eat.

She cursed under her breath, before exiting the kitchen. It was mid afternoon when she left the home with her purse to buy some food and groceries, she didn't care about making a list though.

Walking down the aisles in the store, Lisa grabbed random food supplies and dumped them in her cart. As she kept walking, she sensed a familiar presence. It was odd for her to feel that way, as the store barely had any customers. Pushing the cart towards the end of the store she went through the stuff in the higher shelves. She tried to reach a can that was on the top rack, but the not so tall condition just messed her up.

With a sigh she left the aisle. As she kept walking, she sensed a familiar presence. It was odd for her to feel that way, as the store barely had any customers.

At first she didn't care about it but the feeling grew stronger as seconds passed. Then she felt it.

A familiar yet distant warmth enguflded her, making her gasp for air. The sudden adrenaline rush and the cold sweat made her wonder what kind of feeling she was experiencing.
It felt like a sweet torture, just in a few seconds.

The sudden sound of a raspy voice scared her, making her stumble.

With a low screech she was ready to hit the ground, but nope.

"Woah... Be careful!"
The person said as he caught the poor girl and held her closer to him.

Eyes tightly closed, she was waiting for the impact.

"Hey open your eyes... You're safe now..."
Said the voice, still gently holding onto her slender waist not wanting to let go.

As said, she tore opened her glued eyes. Only to widen them, as everything made sense to her. The familiar feeling, the reason was him!

His doe eyes, in a color that was a mix of wine and caffeine. Intimate, intriguing and warm. His perfectly carved nose complimented his striking features. Then his lips, thin yet moist and pinkish. The ends slightly curved making a small smile. Y'all don't know how badly she wanted to kiss those sinfully beautiful lips of the stranger

Her hands were carelessly lying on his perfectly chiseled chest, that she didn't mind moving.

"Um.. I know I look good"
The stranger said cheekily, with a goofy smile.

Cheeks reddened out of embarrassment, she pulled away quickly tucking few stray hair that hung loose.

"I'm.. sorry"
She whispered, her embarrassment eating her alive.

"It's fine! We're neighbors after all"
He said cheerfully.

Right, neighbors. Just neighbors.
She thought.

"May I know your name? The first time we met I forgot to-"
He was abruptly cut off by the girl.

"Lalisa! But just Lisa is fine"
She said, with a small smile.

"Lalisa... That's a cute name"
Her name beautifully rolled out of his perfect lips, making her go crazy.

"And yours?"
She asked, her once gone curiosity resurfacing.

"It's Taehyung.. TaeTae is fine"
He said, a warm cheekily smile plastered.

You'll never know how desperate I was, to know those eight letters which formed ur name. She thought.

Lisa smiled widely.
"Alright Taehyung I'll get going then"
She said before bowing down and walking away with her cart.

"Yeh bye!"
She heard his happy voice making her smile even more.


Oof... It's been sooo loooong updating...

Sowwy plp will try to update more!

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