Chapter 24

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Lips quivering uncontrollably, Lisa slid down the wall raking her fingers through her blonde locks. Her body shivered as she let out a loud painful groan, which sounded more like a mix of a moan and a scream.

The reality beginning to poison her mind slowly, things which she had heard just now dawned her understanding in bits. Too much at once, she should be getting used to this by now, but all in vain the girl was too fragile to get used to something like this.

Slamming her palm on the floor repeatedly, the girl moaned loud once again as the hot tears traced her cheeks endlessly. Not wanting to stop yet, she continued to slap the floor constantly, numbing her palm.

The sight was more than enough to kill Jungkook a million times. Guilt eating him alive, he watched the girl hurt herself mercilessly. But he wasn't ready to stop her, even though his heart ached to do so, he'd not stop her this time.

All of this was what meant to happen. It's the only ticket to get her out of this. The breakdown she's having right now, was bound to happen and Jungkook swore on himself to not ruin this. It's for the better, afterall.

Gritting his teeth timidly Jungkook watched the girl push herself on her feet, standing up, he didn't even dare to help her when she stumbled on her tracks. This night he promised himself to let the girl, be herself. Anything she wants to do to take away her pain was unstoppable, and the girl is going all out.

Screaming on top of her lungs, Lisa threw the things, which found her grasp, across the room. Tears streaming down like a fall, she made her way towards the kitchen, unsteadily.

The porcelain bowls, mugs and plates becoming the girl's next victim, she didn't spare any. The ceramic reducing down into pieces, Lisa wasn't any close to satisfaction. Grabbing few glass cups and bowls, she dropped them down one by one.

"Why me?!!"
She moaned painfully, stepping on the shattered pieces, bare feet.

The crimson liquid oozing out slowly, Lisa buried her face on her bruised palms repeating the question again and again. Rubbing her face roughly, the cold fingertips of hers grabbed few stray strands of her hair, pulling it painfully.

"Why me?!! Am I fucking cursed?!! Why me of all the sinners alive?!!!"
She screamed, slamming her fists on the granite countertop, which could potentially worsen her already bruised hands.

Clutching onto her head Lisa exited the now ruined kitchen, on her bloody tracks. The question being asked again and again, her short steps left a stainy print on the tiles.

And to sum all this up, the boy burnt his heart into a stone to watch all this. His jaw locked in placed, a lump forming in his throat, colors drained out completely, Jungkook watched the person who meant his life do all this with his own eyes, even when he had the power to stop everything.

Lisa's tiny voice moving farther away, she found herself getting out of the main door. Inhaling sharply Jungkook shook himself out of his trance. Painfully swallowing the heavy lump, the boy moved on his tracks following the undead girl.

The luring night, still and cold, Lisa's bare feet clapped against the asphalt numbing her pain slowly taking her into the unknown. The coldness filtered into her thin peachy dress, embracing her lightly. And streets almost being deserted because of the temperature drop to minus, the ghostly girl was left unseen.

Quietly following her back, Jungkook wasn't any different than the girl. His emotion had hit the rock bottom, burying them deep within. All his hope crumbled down, burning into ashes dissolving into nothings.

And the numb pair walked, till their legs gave up, halting by the Han river. Jungkook didn't to take his eyes off the girl's back, fearing that he might loose her.

The salty tears completely evaporated, her nose tip and cheeks were dusted with a light shade of blush as the night got colder. Lips slightly parted, Lisa breathed heavily forming a tiny cloud which vanished just like that.

"Why me?"
She breathed out, promising herself to ask the question for the last time.

Shoulders slouching down, a small painful smile crept up her lips as her numb finger tips graced the cold metal railing.

Jungkook finally choked out, his tone unsure.

"I'm pathetic, aren't I?"
Turning around Lisa gazed her eyes on his, the sad smile never leaving her lips.

"Yes, you are"
His reply was colder than the night.

"You are pathetic, self centered, inconsiderate, unappreciative and stone hearted. You live in your own bubble that you've become a blind to the reality. You never recognise the things right in front of your vision. You take everything for granted, just the way you treat me"
He added, his face emotionless.

"You've always been this way and I'm an asshole for loving you all along even when I knew everything about you. Perhaps, I blinded myself in a belief that you'd be mine one day. I bare equal responsibility as well, we're no different Lisa..."

Jungkook ended his sentence his eyes never leaving hers, and hers never leaving his. It might sound insensible, but still Lisa looked gorgeous in his eyes even in this state, and he resented himself for not being able to let go of her.

Choking out a small laugh Lisa voiced out her words,
"Finally... you admit it..."

The night growing colder in the passing second, the pair stood facing eachother as the dark purple sky broke down into small crystal feather like snow. Tearing her eyes away from his, Lisa looked up grazing the sky, her bruised palm extending into the thick air.

"It's the first snow..."
She smiled, staring at the thin crystals which had settled on her skin.

"Let's get you home now"
Jungkook inched closer to the girl, scooping her off her feet, carrying her in his arms.

"Do you know what it means to experience the first snow with someone significant to one?"
Lisa whispered, as she cuddled closer into his chest, the warmth spreading across her body.

She expectantly looked up awaiting a reply from him, but all he did was stare down at her briefly before shifting his gaze on the road, getting on his tracks.

“It means the 'someone' and the 'one' stays together forever, bounded to love eachother till the end... Which is far from possible in our case... Lisa”

Was all Jungkook could think of.


Hope you loved this chapter!
Which is your favourite season of the year?
Mine is winter which is simply poetic...

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