Chapter 8

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It's been a week since Hee Ji confessed to Jungkook. Since then they both started to hangout whenever they found time. They got to know about eachother better. Jungkook even introduced Lisa to
Hee Ji as his best friend.

Even though Lisa wasn't comfortable at first, as time passed she started to like the girl. She was outgoing, humourous and had a very good personality. Her looks were a bonus too, she's a beautiful young lady.

The inferiority took over Lisa, she isn't any close to the girl she thought. Well it's the truth, Lisa isn't that outgoing, she is closeted and shuts down new approaches. She is friendly and not to say she's drop dead gorgeous too, but totally an introvert.

Hee Ji on other side liked Lisa a lot, she treated her like her own sister. Even though Lisa doesn't speak much during their chats the girl like her company. She had the ability to light up people's mood.

Currently Lisa, Jungkook and Hee Ji were seated at the Univ's cafeteria having their lunch and talking about random things. Well it was mostly Hee Ji and Jungkook talking and laughing. Lisa was just munching down her food quietly, she felt left out but didn't show it out.

When it was just Jungkook and Lisa like the old times, they'd either share comfortable silence or quiet bickering followed by childish giggles. Even though it was just a week she missed spending time with Jungkook, only Jungkook.

With a sigh she digged on her plate, stuffing some rice.

"What happened? Are you sick Lis?"
Jungkook quickly turned his attention when the girl sighed, making her eyes go wide. She didn't mean to get his attention but the guy was quick to notice her. She was embarrassed a bit.

"No! No! I'm fine"
She chuckled dumbfounded.

"You mean it?"
The guy questioned again as he placed his hands on her forehead to check the girl's temperature.

"Yeh I'm really fine Jungkook"
She gave a small smile.

The guy still smelled like something wasn't good, she addressed him by Jungkook not Kookie or even Kook. He just shrugged making a mental note to clear this situation later.

Their conversation continued again, but Jungkook took glances of the restless girl then and there. He could say that something was bothering her, she looked like she was trying to figure out a psychopath's feelings or something.

Just then Lisa's phone beeped indicating that she received a notification. She was quick to open it and read the message that she had just received.

"Guys I gotta go! I've got someone waiting for me! See you later!"
Her restless face lit up in no seconds after receiving the text. She literally started to freak out after seeing it. Who was it from? Jungkook wondered.

"Don't you have any classes later?"
Jungkook questioned the girl who was impatient to leave.

"Nope today's sessions are over!"
She cheered happily getting up.

"What was that? Why are you in such a rush?"
He again asked, for which Lisa leaned near his ear to whisper so that no one would know about the little secret.

"It's Tae!"
She whispered before pulling back, humming happily.

Jungkook flipped when he heard that name, he felt angry, frustrated and glum all at same time. It was 'him' who lit her mood, it was 'his' text which made her smile so brightly, just those thoughts made him clench his jaw.

"Should you really go?"
Jungkook suddenly grabbed Lisa's wrist giving her a pleading look which was asking her to stay. Lisa was totally confused about his question.

"Yeh... I have to... It's him Kook!"
She said, making the expectant guy disappointed.

"Ok I'll text you later bye Kook! Bye Hee Ji!"
Lisa, who was on cloud nine didn't even notice the disappointed face of her best friend before leaving. But someone else did notice that.

After that, the table got too silent. Jungkook as well as Hee Ji both of them didn't say anything. They just quietly ate their lunch.

"You like her, don't you?"
The question which broke the silence as well which caught Jungkook off guard, left Hee Ji's lips.

"What do you mean?"
Jungkook tried to shrug and dodge the question.

"Lisa. You like her, don't you?"
She repeated once again, clearly. Jungkook was speechless so the girl continued.

"If you don't answer then I'll take it as a yes"
She said, before looking down to her lunch tray.

"How are you so sure about of what you just asked?"
Jungkook shot back a question.

"I can see it in your eyes Jeon. You're head over heels for her, anyone would notice it other than Lisa"
She added some sarcasm to her statement which made Jungkook laugh a bit.

"But she has someone else?"
She asked not so sure about the question.

"Did you just see through us?"
He asked a lame question.

"Answer to what I asked Jeon"
She asked.

"I'm not sure about it either. To be honest right now my mind and my life is a mess"
Jungkook sighed, dodging all the questions. He didn't answer one, neither negative nor positive. The girl just smiled painfully staring at her first love in front of her, who was stressing over another girl.

Lisa on other hand had enough for the day. She was completely exhausted when she came for lunch, she didn't have any breaks between the morning classes which totally drained her energy.

When Hee Ji and Jungkook joined her at the tables she was happy that she could chill a bit with them. But no, the other two had already involved themselves in some serious topic which kept Lisa from butting in. She didn't wanted to bother them.

She just quietly ate her food thinking about random stuffs and random memories. She felt empty at that moment, but just a 'ding' lit her whole mood.

It was a text from him!. He asked her whether she was free and could meet her. It was enough to fill her emptiness. She shot up from her seat ready to leave, but Jungkook kept bombarding her with questions. She just answered whatever slipped off her tongue and left the two.

Skipping her feet to the bus stop, she impatiently waited for the bus. Once it arrived she right away got into it. Throughout the ride she kept taking a look at the message he had sent. I bet she read the message over and over for more than a hundred time.

They both do not prefer going out, so as usual this meeting too was at his home. It was  always either her place or his.

When she got to her apartment she quickly dumped her coat and backpack on the couch before fixing herself looking at the mirror. She wanted to look presentable for him.

After all that she was in front of his door, knocking. In few seconds the door flung open revealing the happiest grin from a man Lisa cherished with all her heart.

"Hey Lili!"
He greeted her with the nickname he had given her. That's it, that was enough to flutter her soft heart. His boxy smile was wide and sincere.

"Hi Tae!"
She said, happily entering what felt like home to her.


Oof! It's 1 am here and I'm updating. Just for my love!
I updated as I promised!

Check out her books too people! It'll be worth giving a shot.
She's a uwu! And her books are too.

Oh! Oh! And who else like second female leads with a great personality and a good heart rather than a bit*chy image and a dirty mind?
I do that's why I chose to shape my second female lead that way.

I have a worse second male lead syndrome. But the second female leads always get the dirtiest roles in most of the K-dramas. I hate it! And I dunno why...

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