Chapter 23

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It's been three days consulting with professor and ever since that day, Jungkook's unsettling emotions tortured him purely. He felt enlightened about Lisa's condition but at the same time extremely confused. Not being able to figure out anything properly the boy grew more frustrated.

And Lisa on the other hand was of no help as well, the girl barely spoke, making it harder for Jungkook to say anything to her. He hesitated to bring up even the simplest matters, let alone the revelation of her non existent boyfriend. She might die of heart attack.

Nevertheless, today wasn't indifferent. Not to comment on, Lisa was slowly growing on him, her fatal restlessness taking over the boy. He remained slouched on the couch the whole morning, not being able to do anything because of the pressure he's been handling.

Laying flat on his back, Jungkook stared at the ceiling drowning in his own thoughts. He almost felt like a hypnotist by the amount of concentration he's been applying on his thoughts. He tried his best in mustering all possible reactions Lisa could come up with, when he reveals her about the imaginary person in her life. Frustrating, isn't it?

Just then he heard few clinking sounds in the kitchen, shattering the silence which engulfed the apartment. Getting out of the couch he made his way towards the kitchen wondering what the girl is up to.

He sounded calm, trying not to scare her.

"Oh hey"
She mumbled, meeting eyes with the boy.

"You hungry?"
He questioned, pointing at the cup ramen placed on the counter.

"Ah.. yeh a bit"

"Let me do it"
Jungkook replied, making his way towards the cabinets grabbing a vessel to boil some water.

She muttered, seating herself in the barstool by the counter.

"Um.. Jungkook..."
She spoke up, almost in a whisper if it wasn't for the calmness Jungkook might have missed it.


"C-can we go my apartment?"
She paused, when the boy averted his gaze fixing it on her.

"I... wanna grab... few clothes"
Hesitation was evident in her tone.

"You can just wear mine..."

"It's not that... I want some of my toiletries as well... sure you will not be having napkins though"
She mumbled, fiddling with her fingers.

"Ah...then I can buy you them"
He didn't think twice before replying.

"But I don't want you to"
She was quite persistent.

"Will you be ok? Visiting that apartment?"
He questioned concerned.

"Yeh. I'll be fine"

"Ok then finish this first"
He smiled, serving her the cup ramen.


As decided, the pair reached Lisa's apartment ready to grab few stuffs. At first Jungkook thought that it might turn out bad for Lisa to visit back here, considering that the girl is still recovering.

But little did he expect, when the elevator dings open for her level even he'd be traumatized as well. The vivid memories of that day rushed back instantly making his stomach upset, the remembrance of Lisa crawling towards him  made his throat dry, turning him paler.

"Make it quick.. I don't wanna stay here longer"
Jungkook muttered unlocking the main door hastily.

She mumbled back, entering the apartment.

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