Chapter 27

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The foggy morning and the streets brimmed with crystal white snow, welcomed the Christmas spirit with a mug of warm hot chocolate. The weather dropping down into minus and the lack of warmth on her body, disturbed Lisa's deep slumber making her cuddle closer to the boy sleeping next to her.

"Yah... Hug me, it's freezing cold", she complained sleepily shaking the boy's shoulders.

"Yah Jeon Jungkooook", Lisa whined like a kid since her partner didn't respond her needs properly.

"Jungkooook", still no reply came her way.

"Tsk. What kind of boyfriend are you?", she sulked scooting closer to the boy and hugging him by herself.

But, to her vain it didn't help any bit and the position was way too uncomfortable as well. Letting out an annoyed sigh she turned her back on him and instead hugged the pillow next to her.

She mentally cursed all those romantic plots and scenarios which included morning kisses and cuddles portrayed on the books and fanfics she had read and squealed about in the past, because the reality didn't seem any close to it.

Groaning at the thought she got out of the bed and kicked the boy on his ass before exiting their shared room. 'What a great start' she rolled her eyes as she made her way into the bathroom.

Washing her face and finishing off her business at the toilet she returned back to their room after a good twenty minutes. Staring at the sound asleep boy with her poker face, Lisa wondered how could he even sleep that peacefully.

"Yah", she called out grabbing a pillow and throwing it on his face.

"Yah wake up!", getting handy with her evil ideas, Lisa pulled out the pillow on which the boy's head rested.

"Wake up!", she yelled once again throwing the pillow on his face.

A soft groan escaped Jungkook's lips as he sleepily sat up, eyes still closed. His hands wandering near him he grabbed one of the pillows and hugged it tight.

"Feeling comfy?", Lisa questioned staring at him with a straight face.

The boy simply nodded his head
* squeaky noises * as a reply, still refusing to open his eyes.

"Wah! I still can't believe that I like you, Jeon Jungkook", Lisa spoke dramatically puffing out a breath.

Again, instead of verbally replying he giggled happily at the said statement. Hearing that the girl you love, says thar she loves you back early in the morning? It sounded more like the heavens singing him a lullaby.

"I seriously can't with you", shaking her head in disapproval Lisa stormed towards the door.

Just then a pair of mascular arms wrapped around her waist from behind, as the boy hunched on her nuzzling closer into her crook sending chills down her spine.

"Good Morning", he uttered in his raspy morning kissing her skin lightly.

"Must've felt good to wake up from the right side of bed", Lisa commented sarcastically trying to keep up her cool.


Spinning the girl around, he gently picked her up which made her wrap her legs around her waist.

"Yah what are you doing?!", She welped clutching onto his shoulders.

"Making up for annoying you I guess?", he chuckled lightly carrying her to the couch a taking a seat there.

"Ha! Do you think that this would work out?"

"Maybe this would"

Pulling the girl closer, he connected their lips together into a deep passionate kiss. Smiling against Jungkook's lips Lisa quickly responded back as she comfortably sat on his lap getting a better access. Moving their lips in sync the kiss lasted for few minutes before they pulled away.

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