Chapter 11

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Finally it was Friday. The day before the Spring concert. The whole week every departments in the Univ were held up with working on their stalls for the mini carnival which is like a charity event conducted by the management every year.

The main event of the spring carnival is the concert night, which is always the anticipated one. The visuals and skills of the performers are no joke, lucky them it's their only chance in a year to be caught by the eagle eyed casting crew of entertainment companies.

Lisa was relieved that she wasn't able to meet Jungkook that often this week, she didn't want him to notice her awkwardness. She ain't out of it, yet people.

Jungkook on the other hand had heck load of work as their department came up with a 'lame' idea of putting up a food court as he called it. It served only coffees and cotton candies so what's the point of calling it as food court? He thought.

His idea of introducing gaming counters didn't last for more than two seconds and was rejected right away. Poor Kook. Who accepts new ideas these days? Tsk.

The Univ students were very busy as they had only few hours left for the gates closing time. They had to get their counters and stalls done before the curfew.

Lisa too was busy with the arrangements for her department's book fare. They were lucky enough to have few sponsors, who made it possible for this book fare.

It was nerve wrecking for everyone, but they enjoyed everything to the fullest as the carnival happens only once in a year.

It was lunch break when Lisa, Jungkook and Hee Ji gathered at the cafeteria with their lunch trays. It was as usual with the 'pair' chatting and Lisa keeping quiet. The girl got used to it, so she wasn't bothered about it anymore.

"Lis, you wanna come for the sound check later in the evening?"
Jungkook asked, expectantly.

"The concert sound check?"
Lisa asked wondering.

"Yeah. You wanna come?"
He asked.

"I'll let you know later. I don't know when the books for the fare will arrive and after it's unloaded from the truck we have to arrange it in the racks so, the probability of me coming is less."
She said making him pout a bit.

"And you Hee Ji?"
He shifted his attention towards her.

"I'm not sure either. The business management department has come up with plushie vending machines counter, so the installation for the machines will take time and I have to be there as I'm the incharge of it. I'm not sure whether I could make it there"
She stated, sadly.

"Whatever ladies, you've decided to leave me alone so there's nothing in my hands right now"
Jungkook pouted more.

"Stop being dramatic Kook. Don't you have anything to do in your food court"
Lisa rolled her eyes, asking.

"Nah... I kinda ditched it and planned to flunk around and have fun"
He said shoving some kimchi into his mouth.

"Tsk... I'm pretty sure you screwed up something and was kicked out"
Lisa joked.

"In your dreams ajummah! I just gave few new amazing ideas for the stalls but they had small brains to recognise them. So I came out of volunteering"
He said, shooting daggers ate Lisa.

"Whatever you say feotus"
Lisa rolled her eyes, again.

"Yeah whatever! I'm gonna have fun all by myself"
He rolled his eyes this time.

After lunch, the three parted ways. Jungkook was on his own looking through stalls, trying out stuffs that were displayed. At one point he got bored and planned to crash at Lisa's counter. Just then his phone buzzed, receiving a message.

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