Chapter 21

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The doctor questioned, flipping through few papers of a file.

"Yes. That's me"
He replied politely.

She gestured, asking him to take a seat opposite to her.

"So you're Lisa's temporary guardian right?"
She questioned, closing the file in process.

He replied, as he adjusted himself in the seat.

"Ok. So, Lisa's physical condition is a lot better now"
She stated, making Jungkook to itch closer to the edge of his seat.

"Is she really fine?"
He questioned, concerned.

"Yeah, she's perfect and it'd be meaningless to keep her in observation any longer. So she's ready to go home"
She announced, a small smile playing on her lips.

He freaked out.

"I'm serious boi"

"Thank you Dr. Bae!"
He grinned ear to ear, thanking happily.

"Her discharge notice is here you can sign it and by this evening you can take her back home"
She handed the files to him.

"Thanks again"
He slightly bowed, receiving the files.

She replied with a smile.

And with that Jungkook exited the doctor's office. With a smile he made way towards the lobby of the hospital. Fishing out his phone, he turned it on and was about to make a call to Jimin. But the elder advanced.

Jungkook answered the call, cheerfully.

"Hey Kook"
Jimin sounded rather dejected.

"Hyung Lisa is all set to be discharged!"

"Oh that's great"
The latter replied, but the busy lobby made it harder for Jungkook to hear him.

"What? Hyung I can't hear you"
He replied, as he strolled out of the lobby heading to the garden.

"Jungkook? Hello?"
Jimin repeated the sentence, checking whether the maknae could hear his voice.

"Hyung you there?"

"Yeh yeh, can you hear me now?"

"Yeh. I can"

"Hyung! We can take Lisa home by this evening! Isn't that great?"
He exclaimed.

"Yeh that's awesome Kook"
Jimin replied, not so cheerfully.

"Kook... I've got something to say"
He started, toned seriously.

"What is it?"
Jungkook asked, not really noticing the tension.

He muttered, pausing for a second.

"Kim Taehyung doesn't exist"

Jungkook breathed out, bewildered.

"What do you mean by 'he doesn't exist'??"
He added.

"It's true. The apartment has been locked up for almost five years now... And when we further interrogated the landlord... the man has never come across a person with his name"
Jimin briefed.

A moment of silence filled the line, as Jungkook processed everything that Jimin had said right now. The boy was flabbergasted that he couldn't choke out anymore words.

"Kook it's better to keep this from Lisa for sometime... Maybe till she mentally recovers"
Jimin suggested, concern settling in his tone.

"I'm taking her to Professor. Lee, tomorrow"
Was all Jungkook could come up with.

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