Country Girls Be Like...

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1. Not liking to walk in heels very much because you can't take long strides...👠
2. That evil love of telling people about farm stuff because you just love shocking city sensibilities.😜
3. Wanting to slap people every time they say something about chickens laying an egg once a week...GIVE THE CHICKENS MORE CREDIT, PEOPLE! THEY LAY EGGS ALMOST EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! AND THAT'S LITERALLY THE EQUIVALENT OF A WOMAN HAVING AN EIGHT-POUND BABY EVERY DAY.🐔🐤🐣🐥🐓
4. Can pick up fifty-pound feed bags...still can't win an arm-wrestling match...💪
5. Preferring cows to dogs.🐮🐃🐶🐕
6. The pigs. Are. Finally. Getting. Processed. Hallelujah.🐷🐖
7. We learn a lot of simple math in the country: - 2 small cows+a lot of hay=equals an ENTIRE wheelbarrow load of "by-product" every. Single. Day. - 1 cat ("queen")+1 tomcat=enough kittens to last Methuselah a lifetime. 🐱🐈
8. Getting up early on Saturdays in 32-degree go OUTSIDE in about fifty layers of clothes and carry around a heavy gun with a chance of not even seeing anything to shoot that's in season...and ENJOYING IT.
9. Wearing camouflage and a baseball cap one day, and nail polish, a dress, and heels the next. :)
10. The neighbors don't complain about your dog - they complain about your goat. 🐐
11. FISHINGGGG!!!!!🐟🎣
12. Dirt roads. Enough said.
Real talk. ;)
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Ellastaniel <3 💖

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