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I've been thinking about this a lot lately.

I just wanted to give a shout-out to some of my best buddies on here.

Child_of_Hope You were the first person I ever followed (because I was too scared of the potential danger of Wattpad to follow my first follower first; I'll mention her later). You're always there for me. We've both been through the wringer, but I'm trusting that we're both gonna be okay. Thank you for your constant encouragement and strong faith, and giving me intense fangirl attacks. It was fun helping you through ones I gave you, too. ;)
Maze_Crazed You're amazing. You are also a firm believer in God, have been through a lot of the same things I have, and have been a great source of encouragement. Your strength has been an example to me, and you're always there for me.
I love your weirdness. *raises glass* May you never be normal!
_RandomRanch_ I really don't know you very well, but your book is awesome. And I had SO MUCH FUN pranking you with Pearl. XD Ah, good times...
Littlegreyowl As far as I know, you were my first follower/friend who didn't live in America. Which is pretty darn cool to begin with. ;P
You'll always be my sister; Moragana and Eruaistaniel. And I had so much fun picking out wedding dresses with you for my wedding to Elladan. ;) Love you much!
Aloranotgreenleaf Even though I haven't known you long, I think you're pretty awesome. I've extremely enjoyed the few conversations we have had, and I look forward to more!
Nicko_Heap I'm not really sure what to say here... ;)
Your sarcasm always makes me laugh. I appreciate good sarcasm. And Leafstar kind of scares me. ;) I remember how excited I was when you first joined Wattpad. Hailee had written so much about you, I couldn't wait to meet you.
AloraGreenleaf I saved this one for last. I hardly even know what to say.
You were my first ever follower, and the first person I ever private-messaged. I actually still remember most of that conversation!
You were so incredibly supportive and amazing, and I really look up to you and your writing. I miss you a lot - more than you can imagine - and I pray for you all the time. I love you, Makenna.
There are so many more, I can only mention a few...Silivrennial, SashaSandy1 (one of the first people I had a real conversation with!), jordieblob16, kittygirlmoo, _mirkwood_girl, TarwaRedwood...I'm sorry I can't give a personal shout-out to all of you incredible people from all over the world! Even if you aren't in the list, remember, you're awesome and I love you.

My Wattpad friends are AMAZING. I love you all so much!

I meant every word of that.
That was actually my second sappy shout-out chapter. I guess I'm in a sentimental mood..meh, whatever. It's there, and there it is.
This is dedicated to every single one of my amazing followers.
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BJKaplan <3 💖

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