Chapter 1-The Fifth Time

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'Okay honey well be safe then.' Her mom Kathrine said childishly.

'It's the doctors mom, what's the worst that could happen?' Ella replied.

'It's just that's it your fifth time this month, and they haven't been giving you proper answers." Her mom said careingly.

'Okay I'll ask them, I need to go now bye mom I love you'

'Love you too hun'

Ella heard the phone end on her moms side then hung up on hers, she looked in her rear view mirror at the doctors surgery behind her, fixed her fringe then got out the car with her brown handbag. Her car was a black Fiat 500, her first car since she finished college 2 years ago, she barely passed her physcology course so she was even lucky to get a job to afford a car. Walking up to the to the surgery she suddenly felt nervous thinking to herself, "I'm not sure what's wrong with me, the doctor she's not giving me clear answers, god I hate this." Ella entered the dull grey building turned right to the reception and saw the receptionist Angela sitting there as usual behind the desk doing work as usual she was small, probably in her 50s and had a warm smile, the kind that makes you feel relaxed. Ella didn't know her well but she came across as a nice, friendly woman. Angela saw her approaching and said," Right on time as always Ms Barnes, I wish all patients were like you." Angela laughed after the last part but even though Ella didn't find it very funny she laughed along anyways being polite.

"Oh do you want me to fill out another form?" Ella inquired.

"Oh no! It's fine just have a seat at the chairs and the doctor will be right out." Angela replied smiling.

"Thanks." Ella said back also smiling.

Ella turned around, walked towards the line of chairs sat down at the one furthest right and let out a sigh of relief, hugging her bag close to her, telling herself everything was alright. About after 5 minutes of waiting she heard the door to her left open out came a man, he looked like he was in his 40's and he looked like he was sick, really sick. He walked towards the reception to Angela's desk, Ella could briefly make out what they were saying something about getting a refill on medicine Ella saw the orange pill bottle and could briefly make out the words on label, "Ipecac tablets, two a day, the same ones as me" Ella thought. Angela during the conversation looked her happy self, but the man however looked tired and depressed. After a minute or two of talking he left. Ella thought to herself,"God is that what I'm going to be like, maybe the same thing wrong with him is the same with me, god stop overthi-"

"Ella" Angela's voice interrupted her thoughts,

"the doctor will see you now".

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