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I got up just feeling crushed all I felt was this emptiness, brokenness I got dressed and went down stairs. I glanced and saw my father looking at me with his beer in one hand and my backpack in the other.

"Looking for this, just know I've had opportunities to get rid of you, you ungrateful demon, useless trash"

This pierced right through me, this now had no effect on my emotions I'm now broken beyond repair I took my backpack and left with a tear which I held back.

"My time on this earth needs to be over, I'm done this is it, my strength is lost It's hard to find words to replace how I feel. All I see is a tainted, black, hole for a heart help me" I thought to myself

I arrived right on time for school when I got to the stairs I saw Mr.Ryan Grew-Reyes and his guys sitting on the rails I got to the top Ryan immediately slid his foot in front of me and I fell all the way down the stairs on my back I smiled and became unconscious.

Sadly I woke up in the hospital with doctors and nurses over me and surprisingly I saw the person I dreamt about

"Hello I'm Dr.Grenthrow how do you feel I here to ask a few questions" she stated,

I glanced at her coat and it said Head of Psychology

"I'm not crazy ok" I said a little frustrated

"I know your not that's why I'm here to talk to you just to understand what happened"

"I-I tripped down the staircase at school, but..."

"But ?" She questioned

"I thought that was it I'm done I'm tired of this I'm beyond repair" I continued as I wiped my eyes that were now red

"I understand"

"Do you, because I'm useless, im trash , I'm a demon, I'm not important, I'm not cared about I don't even..... I take care of him I'm a beating bag to him a maid.... it makes no sense"

"I'm here I care you, you are more than you know, I don't think those things for you, not anyone not even myself. I know it's probably the last thing you want to hear but please don't hurt yourself someone is going through the same thing even worse off than you, you can help them overcome " after saying this she stretched forth her hand and I willing held hers

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