Chapter 1 : Hi, I'm Gulf...

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          Gulf walks along the river bank. His stomach began to rebel. It's been a day he walked aimlessly on an empty stomach. He reached into his pocket, took out a piece of money paper from it and began to curse himself. Being in a strange place like this, let alone buying food, he even couldn't read directions. All writings feel like abstract paintings dominated by irregular lace strands. Gulf began to think about the days ahead. How can he survive here? Let alone the Thai language, his English even only mediocre.

          He threw his bag on a park bench that looked clean and lay down to rest for a moment. Suddenly from an uncertain direction, a small object was thrown and hit his head hard enough.

          Gulf jumped to his feet in surprise. He rubbed his head while looking for what was the object that hit his innocent head. He circled his gaze and found a glittering object sticking out among the grass under him. With high curiosity, he approached the object.

          "A r-... ring?", he looked surprised.

          Without hesitation, Gulf grabbed the almost imperceptible ring between the green grass and looked closely at it. The ring looked so beautiful as it was sparkling in the twilight sun. He rubbed the ring on his shirt to clean the dirt that was stuck around it and put it on his ring finger. His fingers are very tapering for the size of a man so that the ring easily enters and coils nicely on his finger. He continued to admire the ring which was currently ringed sweetly on his curved finger. If only nobody claimed for this, he would sell it for some cash so that he can survive to live here until he finished his business.

          Gulf then circled his gaze around. His eyes searched for the figure of a woman who might be currently searching for the ring. That's when his eyes fixed on the figure of a man who was walking slowly approaching the edge of the lake that looks deserted. Gulf hissed in surprise.

          "Do-... does he intend to commit suicide?"


          Mew sat alone on the edge of the quiet lake. His eyes wandered blankly. His feelings are chaotic and his heart is in pain. His memory returned to a time when his relationship with Baifern, the lover he had been dating secretly for almost five years, was still raging. For Mew, Baifern is the only woman who understands him and willing to accept him as he is, the only woman who manages to convince his heart to continue their relationship to a further stage. But, now it seems like he was wrong. It turned out that Baifern had been so depressed all this time. Why had he never been aware of this? Why had he never realized that he was never there when Baifern needed him?

          Mew stared at the ring he was supposed to put on Baifern's finger last night between his fingers. He wiped his tear away from his eyelids and laughed it oud loud.

          "Arghhhh! Mew Suppsait! You moron!", he throws the ring which he held tightly on his finger to the lake as he shouted hard.

          The evening sun slowly began to fall. Mew took a deep breath then took off his shoes and put his feet in the water. Right now, the only thing he wanted to do was to cool his body which felt burning. The only thing that can help him dampen his feelings right now is the cold soothing lake water.

          "Mew Suppasit! Let her go!", he shouted again. The sound of leaves rustling swallowed his scream without leaving any sound. "Forget Baifern!!!", he shouted even harder.


          Gulf ran towards the man who slowly put his feet in the deep water. Without thinking much, he pulled the man and dragged him forcefully back to the grass field. The man was shocked and accidentally slipped, making it look as if he was trying to push Gulf away. With such obstacles, finally, Gulf managed to pull the man away.

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