Chapter 12 : There Are Always New Beginning After an End

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Baifern patted Mew's hand patiently. Mew looked confused. He could not decide what is the answer.

"P'Mew. It's either yes and no, black and white, bad and good, or keeping and letting go. There is nothing in between. You have tortured yourself far too long and I don't want to see you like this. I want you to be happy, the same as you wanted me to be happy, right? Fight for him, P'Mew. Chase him. If you can't do that, then... let him go. Let yourself go. There are always new beginnings in every ending. So, let yourself go and give yourself a closure to move on. Will you be able to do that?"

Mew was quiet for a moment, staring at Baifern with doubts on his eyes.

"It has been seven years... seven years, Fern. It was not a short time."


"People can change..."

"Did you change? Did your heart change?"

Mew didn't reply. He didn't know how to reply. His eyes glanced to the diary he was currently holding right now. Baifern smiled at him reassuringly.

"I don't need to remind you, P'Mew. It seems that your heart knows the answer already. Now, what are you afraid of?"



Important notes to Gulf Kanawut. You may forget everything I wrote here but you need to remember one thing, you love Mew Suppasit and it will never change.

Mew ran through the hospital hallway with Gulf's diary on his hand. Whatever happened, Gulf needs to see it. After all this time, Mew realized he couldn't bear to let Gulf leave his side. He needed Gulf to survive. Gulf was and always will be his oxygen to breathe and his soul to stay alive. Mew will never be able to let Gulf go just like this, not like this...


Mew ran inside the Gulf's hospital room, panting. He wandered his eyes only to see Sunny and Baifern were packing Gulf's remaining things. There was no sign of Gulf. Mew's heart shrunk. Was Gulf gone?

Sunny was startled to see Mew's sudden appearance. He took a glance at Baifern. Baifern nodded, signaling him to leave her and Mew alone. Sunny nodded in understanding and walked away.

"W-, Was... Was he gone?"

Baifern sighed, "You were late..."

"Look... look Baifern, I found this!", hurriedly he put the diary on Baifern's hand. "I found Gulf's diary! If he-... if he-..."

Mew paused for a moment before he finally broke down and cried. He was late. Gulf was gone. He left him.

Baifern opened the diary and reached the page which has a dent on it. It was the last page. She read it and sighed. Mew was still there, crouching on the floor sobbing. A strong-willed guy like Mew, crouched on the floor crying was not something Baifern expected to see, and it happened not only once, all because of Gulf.

To be honest, Baifern could not deny that she was still in love with Mew Suppasit, the love of her life, for most of her life she could remember. It was nobody's fault, not his, not hers, not Gulf's. It was fate. Fate brought them to this point and nobody was at fault.

On one hand, Baifern wanted to stop Mew from doing what he did now, asking him to love her like he used to. But on the other hand, Gulf is her brother, her long lost brother, a brother who self-sacrificed himself for her happiness. How could she deny it?

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