Chapter 3: This is really inappropriate!

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          Gulf laid his face helplessly. He was almost covered by a pile of gossipy newspapers and magazines scattered on the table. Mew stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his neck then walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge to find a bottle of cold water. Mew noticed Gulf lying helplessly on the dining table while shaking his head back and forth.

          "Are you still not satisfied reading that news all day?" Mew sat in front of Gulf while sipping on his water. "Can you cook anything? I am hungry..."

          Gulf just muttered indistinctly, ignoring Mew's request. Mew flicked Gulf's head to wake him up. Gulf lifted up to his face to look at Mew as he grumbled. Dark circles were clearly visible around Gulf's eyes and his eye bags ... geez, Mew almost choked on his water. Gulf really looks like a zombie, a tired and lifeless zombie.

          "Jeez ..." Mew gasped in surprise, he almost spurted out the water he had just sipped.

          "I gave my first kiss to a man ..." Gulf said frustrated. "Give me back my first kiss ..."

          "Go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. You're just like a zombie ... "Mew chuckled.

          Gulf hissed irritably, "Give me back my first kiss!"

          "So you didn't sleep all night thinking about that? The kiss?" Mew's laugh grew louder. "Do not worry about it. I thought to myself that I was kissing Baifern. So believe me, there's no harm in that. Don't take it to your heart."

          Gulf sneered in a low voice. "You are right! I'd better think of it as being bitten by a dog, nothing less nothing more."

          "Honestly, I'm still not used to all of this. It's strange to face Baifern, but with your attitude."

          "Hey!", Gulf protested, "Do you think I like this? If it wasn't for the ring, this wouldn't have happened! "

         "I told you before to forget about it. I didn't ask you to return the ring! "

         "I don't like taking things that are not mine. I don't want the ring. "

         "If only you weren't stubborn, this might not have happened."

         "So this is my fault? Why did you throw the ring carelessly? Why don't you keep it or sell it! "

         "Hey! Why did you blame me? "

         "Of course, who else can I blame? What you did was harmful, you know! "

         "You're the one who carelessly wore it!"



        "Ah, never mind !!!!", Gulf grumbled annoyed like a child sulking for a new toy, "I don't want to argue with you!"

          Gulf looked at Mew with a look of annoyance, but not long after, the look in his eyes changed. Gulf screamed in terror before he jumped on the chair. Mew looked at him in confusion.

          "That ... that ...", Gulf said in fear, pointing to something under Mew's chair.

          "What?" Mew asked, getting confused.

          "That monster!", Gulf interrupted quickly, "Don't you see? Are you blind? There is a big monster under your chair! Hurry up and get rid of it! Hurry up! "

          Mew peeked under his chair and saw an iguana trying to sniff around to find its way home. Mew laughed out loud.

          "This? Are you afraid of this cute animal? " Mew asked, amused as he lifted the iguana and brought it closer to Gulf.

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