Chapter 5: Heart Won't Lie...

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          Gulf sat in his room, staring at the ceiling with emptiness. Shortly after, he pulled out a small note from the drawer beside his bed. He looked at the scribbles in the book before finally took a deep breath and added another line. This was the fourth time! He had felt unbearable pain for four times. Followed by the spiritual journey of his soul which seemed to return to its original body, he felt like he was dreaming. He can feel himself lying rigid and lifeless. He wanted to scream but his voice seemed to stuck on his throat. He wanted to open his eyes, but his eyes felt very heavy. He could only feel extreme fear. His heart hurts. Only tears can seep out from the corner of his eyelids.

          Gulf rubbed his face in frustration before finally flung his body onto the mattress. Until this very moment, he had never told Mew about what has happened. He was still doubtful, should he tell everything that he experienced to Mew? Then how about Mew's response? Will he feel worried, or will he feel happy because Baifern will soon wake up from her long sleep? Well, whatever the answer is, Gulf was too afraid to face it. If Mew shows concern for him, Gulf will not be able to stop his feelings for Mew. He was afraid of Mew knowing that he liked Mew. He was afraid that Mew would stay away if he knew this. But ... if Mew looks happy to hear this news, he is afraid that his heart will hurt more than he is now. He also seemed unable to bear his feeling if he found out that Mew is apparently still loved Baifern. What should Gulf really do?

          Gulf stared at the clock hanging on the wall. It is three o'clock in the morning and he still could not sleep. His brain was still working hard. All the possibilities that could occur were still raging on his mind. If only his soul had exchanged back with Baifern's soul, would he still be able to remember the incidents he had experienced while living in Baifern's body? Will he remember all the ups and downs he went through with Mew, or ... will he forget it? What if he forgets it? He did not want to forget it. What should he do now?

          After stretching his body for some time, Gulf then woke up from his sleep and walked towards the desk located at the end of the room. His little notebook and a pen were still lying there. He again reached for the book and looked for a blank page before he finally decided to write something.

          - November 28, 2019. Important note for Gulf Kanawut.-

          Gulf looked at his handwriting once more before finally he took a deep breath and continued his words. At the very least, there will be writings that can remind him of the days he spent with Mew if he ever forgot those events later ...


          It was the same thing with Mew. His eyes were still wide open. His head was dizzy, he could not sleep. His eyes continued to stare at those papers scattered on his desk. Baifern's mother's words kept echoing on his brain. His heart was very upset. Does he have to be honest and give all the information he got on hand to Gulf? Then what will happen to Gulf later? Wouldn't he be disappointed if he knew the true story behind? But ... since when did Mew pay attention to Gulf's feelings?

          Mew leaned his head on the table then exhaled deeply. He closed his eyes which felt very heavy. He was very tired. His meeting with Baifern's mother kept playing back and forth on his brain ...

          The woman crossed her legs casually while sipping her warm chamomile tea. Mew's eyes continued to stare at the woman with a slightly nervous look. His fingers continued to dance on his jeans.

          "I'm sorry if I offended you, Ma. It's just that Baifern never mentioned anything about her parents, let alone about your divorce."

          "Nipon and I have divorced maybe about 15 years ago.", The woman put her cup back on the table gracefully, "Maybe at that time Baifern was about 7 or 8 years old." A smile of sadness rested on her lips, "It turns out that Baifern hated me all this time ..."

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