Chapter 10 : There Are Things You Could Not Control...

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Mew sat on the porch, sipping his morning coffee. It's 9 o'clock in the morning and the weather was not bad. It was very refreshing, perfect for a day out.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

A cute little girl with long wavy hair ran towards Mew with an opened hand. Mew threw her a wide grin. Seven years have passed so fast and now she grew into a pretty little princess. She was his bundle of joy. Mew opened his hand and she jumped inside his warm embrace.


"My princess...", Mew hugged her tiny body while she grinned widely and kissed his cheek.

A long-haired woman followed behind. She looked at Mew with her mellow eyes and smiled. Mew turned his gaze towards her and smiled back.




She was silent before finally returning his hug. Mew felt his shoulder was slightly wet. He looked at Baifern's face, which now looked reddened. Tears began to well up in her eye. Mew looked at him with a confused look.

"What's the matter, Gulf? How do you feel now? Does your chest still hurt? "

The woman paused for a moment before finally, she took a deep breath.

"P'Mew ...", she stammered, "It's me ... Baifern ..."

With that, it was like an electric shock running through his spine. She is Baifern. The real Baifern. His Gulf was gone, leaving him behind. He felt like he was stabbed by thousands of knives through his heart. He was bleeding deep inside. It was so painful that he started to feel numb. He felt suffocated, he couldn't breathe. Slowly, his tears feel down his cheek. He lost control of his body. He couldn't hold back his tears as he slumped down to the floor, sobbing. Baifern tried to hold his body as she looked at him with deep sadness shown on both of her eyes. She hugged him tightly. She could feel his sadness.

"I'm sorry, P'Mew... I'm so sorry for coming back to you..."


Sunny was still sitting on the waiting bench in confusion. It was a mixed feeling. He was afraid and confused. He didn't know what to do now. He was between dream and reality. He was really hoping that the one resuscitated inside is Gulf Kanawut instead of his loved ones, Baifern. But he couldn't even convince himself on what was actually happening right now. God knows how he wished for him to be inside rather than Baifern. Looking at her like this making him regretted how could in the world he chose his work over his love towards Baifern.

After a while, doctors and nurses were walking out of the ICU. Sunny quickly wiped his face and stood up, waiting for the news. A doctor walked towards him and smiled, unfortunately, Sunny could sense it was not a good sign. He stared at the doctor with a hopeless face.

"Mr. Sunny, you may come with me now."

Sunny nodded fast as he followed the doctor inside the ICU ward. He followed his instructions to wear the disposable sterile gown and followed him inside. He entered the room covered with glass and saw Gulf Kanawut was lying there with more equipment attached to his body. There was even a respiratory machine attached to his body now. Sunny's heart fell down to the deepest ground. His world shattered. His legs almost couldn't stand his body weight. He felt weak and useless. The doctor sighed.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sunny.", the doctor showed his concern, "Mr. Gulf stopped breathing a moment ago. We tried to resuscitate him and currently, he needs this aid to help him breathing..."

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