Chapter 8: We Just Wanna Live To The Fullest...

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Gulf took a deep breath while looking at his own face in the rear mirror. His eyes continued to stare at the mirror and the watch that was coiled around his wrist in turns. His heart beat faster than usual. Mew looked at Gulf from the driver's seat.

"How do you feel right now?" Mew asked suddenly, startling Gulf.

Gulf snorted, "I don't know... Scared perhaps, confused ... I'm not sure what kind of feeling this is."

"Isn't this what you want?"

Gulf nodded, "Of course. I wanted to settle everything once and for all. "

"You want me to accompany you?"

"Of course not," Gulf replied, grumbling. "Are you going straight home?"

Mew shook his head slowly, "I'll wait for you here."

"Sunny won't look for you?"

Mew shook his head again, "I asked permission to rest for a couple of days"


"Because you are more important than anything else", Mew teased.

Gulf snorted in annoyance, "You bastard!"

"You can still curse. So you would be fine, I believe... "

"Of course!", Gulf fixed his slightly tilted collar and got out of the car. "I'll see you later!"

Mew nodded, "I'll wait for you here"

Gulf nodded quickly before finally stepping out of the car. Gulf Kanawut, you can do it! For the first and last time, you have to settle everything. This is your main goal in coming to Thailand! You can do it!


Gulf gulped down a drink before him with a frivolous heart. He continued to make sure he did not forget that he was now meeting his father as Baifern Pimchanok and not Gulf Kanawut. He just wanted to know his father a little bit more before he decided to forget everything and return to Korea.

It was just, according to Mew's story, Baifern and his father haven't seen each other in nearly 20 years. Will his father recognize Baifern's face, whose now, in fact, is not a child anymore?

Gulf heard footsteps approaching him from behind the wall. He got scared. Cold sweat began to seep slowly on his skin. What should he say if he meets his father? There was so much he wanted to say as Gulf ... but at the moment, he could only meet his father as Baifern. Ahhh ... his head was dizzy and his brain couldn't think clearly.

Gulf nervously wiped his sweat that seeped out through the pores of his forehead. A middle-aged man, seen from his graying hair, with warm eyes, stepped into the living room. The man was silent for a moment before he finally continued ...

"Fe-, Fern? Baifern? Is that you? ", Called the man with tears in his eyes. His voice trembled.

"You ... do you still recognize me? D-, Dad? "

The man gave a warm smile while approaching Gulf and hugged him. "There is no father in this world who does not recognize his own daughter, Fern. Whatever happens, I will recognize you, child ... "


Gulf walked limply to the end of the road where Mew was still waiting for him inside his car. He stepped into the car then leaned his head on the back of the chair, resting his eyes while taking a deep breath. Mew has been watching Gulf's face for a while. What had happened? Did the meeting go well? Or not?

"Gu-, Gulf ...", Mew called Gulf hesitantly.

Gulf smiled slightly, his eyes still closed, "Don't worry. Everything went well"

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