Chapter 9: There's a Beginning, and There's an End...

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Gulf stared at the irregular pile of tunnel tent poles, lying on the ground. He wrinkled his forehead as a sign of confusion. Where does he have to start? Mew has watched him since before. He smiled in amusement.

"What are you doing?", Mew asked as he laid pieces of twigs on the ground and arranged them neatly.

"Hmmm ...", Gulf narrowed his eyes while scratching his forehead. "I'm confused, where I should start?"

Mew shook his head in disbelief. "You've never camped, have you?"

"Who said that!", Gulf protested, "It's your tent that is very confusing. Why do you have more poles than the usual? And look at this. The material is transparent. This is the first time I've seen a tent like this. Did you buy this at the market? ", Gulf scoffed.

"Nonsense!", Mew protested, "Tents like this are very expensive, you know! Even though it is transparent, the material doesn't stretch, so you don't need to bother tightening the guyline straps all the time. Besides, you can sleep while looking at the stars at night. This tent is almost 50% transparent. Cool, right!"

Gulf snorted, "What if someone else camped beside us. They can see us from outside. "

"What are you afraid of? What could they see? What do you actually want to do?", Mew teased.

Gulf grumbled angrily, "You jerk!"

Mew laughed. "Okay, okay ... you'd better help me to build the camping table and chairs then take out the stove and cutlery from inside the car. I'm getting hungry. "

"Are you sure you can build this yourself?", Gulf looked at Mew doubtfully. "This tent looks more complicated than those ordinary tents it seems."

Mew stood up from his position and ruffled Gulf's hair impatiently, "Of course! Your husband is a great man! "

"Your hands are dirty! Let go! And stop saying something to make it happen!", Gulf brushed aside Mew's hand with a reddened face and then walked away towards the car.

"Don't forget the sleeping bag and blanket too," Mew shouted, teasingly, "My dear wife ...".

Gulf snorted in annoyance, "Yes, yes, you nagging bastard!!"

After a while, the tent dominated by blue and black, made of translucent fiber, was finally finished. Firewood branches, camping tables, and chairs and other trinkets are neatly arranged. Everything looks great.

It might be hard to imagine, the place where they were currently camping might be a little remote, but very beautiful. The grass field was very big and surrounded by lush trees. Plus, there was a small lake that completes the beauty of the place.

This place is practically Mew's place to escape when he needs to be alone from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment world. Even Baifern and Sunny did not know this place. Gulf was the first person he invited here to enjoy this place with him.

It was a very pleasant day. Mew and Gulf seemed to really enjoy their time together, with the addition of the cool mountain air. Everything feels perfect.

After everything's settled, they started their activities by cooking brunch (a combination of breakfast and lunch). Just don't imagine extravaganza dishes. They only cook instant noodles and boiled eggs. But with such circumstances, even cheap food will taste like a five-star hotel buffet.

After they finished eating, they enjoy themselves to play on the lake. Gulf has never seen such a clear lake in Korea. The water was just right, not cold but cool and refreshing. They played until their clothes were all wet.

Not long after all the tiring activities, it was already dark. After they finished dinner, Mew lit a small bonfire to warm the body because in this place the temperature is a bit low at night. Gulf made two cups of hot chocolate and placed them on a small table near the large wooden log where they sat to warm themselves.

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