chapter 6:-

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JB's POV:-
i was happy somehow, i dont know why but i was. "Is this normal?" I askd to myself WATEVA.  Without further wasting anymore time i ran straight towards my dorm.
I entered and saw Jinyoung and Mark were still awake sitting in the living room seems like they were waiting for me. Jinyoung let out a huge sigh and said "where were you?". "Here goes nothing" i said. "I was with...ummm...some....of my friends yeah friends". "FRIENDS ??Since When did Our leader started having Friends? That's sooooo...not you,so tell me exactly where you were?" Jinyoung askd.
Aaaiiishhh!! Am i that bad at lying. God i have to come up with something otherwise they  will play quiz with me. "You know what let's talk about this tomorrow am really sleepy now. And we have college too so get yourself some sleep boys" i said......huuuuuffffff what a timing to show my powers wow.... "hyung. Hyung can't leave without answering that" jinyoung was shouting but i can't deal with them right now.
I got fresh and ready to sleep.i laid on my bed but i can't fall asleep i saw Jackson who sleeps beside me was deep in his sleep.
I was staring blankly towards my ceiling. When suddenly the thought of that girl crossed my mind. Her small figure dancing and whistling enjoying without even caring about the situation she was into really caught my eyes. I wish i could too be able to face my toughest situations like her. Wow i just remembered i didn't even askd her name that's so great of me wow.
Why am i even thinking about her?  Do i have a crush on her?
Oh hell no no no no. i shook my head and put the blanket above my head and slowly fell asleep.

I was laying on my bed ready to fall asleep then *Bling* i got a notification. Who could it be at this time? I checked my phone and i saw i got a msg from byeol.

Hey missi i got you something.
                                                         What is it ?
*Sent a video*
                                                     What is this?
Ummm..... just a video of a guy playing guitar oh sorry the guy you were drooling over in our recess. REMEMBER? THE GUITARIST DUDE?
                               Oh my effing GAHD are you for real RN ?? Wait lemme lemme check.

I checked the video and yes there was a guy playing a tune. The same tune i heard during our break. But he wasn't facing the camera i can only see his back. Even his shoulders are attractive. He plays such tunes seems like he is kinda romantic and not like the JERK i met previously.
Aftr watching the whole video for like 5000 times I thanked byeol for sending me that. But that video took all my sleep away i can't help but think about That Guitarist "How does he looks? Will he ever notice me in between all the fan girls he has? Will i ever be able to even talk to him?" Questions were running but i put them aside and finally fell asleep cuz honey sleep is necessary otherwise he really won't notice me.

Sorry for slow updates. I hope y'all are liking it so far. Who is this Guitarist guy. will he notice y/n? If you want to know then please stick to my story and wait for the next update💚 love you my fellow ahgases. If you like this story then please do vote 💓💓

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