The Reply to a Letter

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King Nightmare was in his room, sitting on a fluffy chair. The chair was black, and had a black blanket on the head of the chair, which Nightmare would rest his head on. Nightmare reading a book. A thing he likes to do when he's bored, kept the habit even as a child, he'd always have some time to read, making him so smart.

Anyways, the night was cold, and it had already started to ran. The thought of something in the mail room kept bothering him, like it was important, but what could be so important from mail?! Only others sending fan letters, or just people who want to join the Moon knights, or just people trying to sell random shit to him. It gets on his nerves.

But still...something...important is in that room, and it keeps bugging him. Sure people are happy in the kingdom, but not to the point where Nightmare can sense it, that only happens when...

Was...was Dream in there? No it can't be!

Nightmare stood up, and closed his book, and placed it on the chair, then left his room. He seemed to be rushing to find what's bothering him. He walked quickly upstairs, and walked in the hallways of all the maid, butlers, and staff.

Finally he entered the mail room, and turned on the lights. Where the happiness was coming from. There was shelves of unread mail, and other shelves where there are mails that are scheduled to see others family. Most of them were about taxes, and stuff little kids wouldn't understand.

Anyways. In the middle of room was a table, with paper, ink and a feathered pen, and envelopes with wax seals. But out of all of that, one thing stood out to Nightmare. A closed envelope.

Nightmare walked towards the envelope, and looked at it. No note, or name was on it. No address, no nothing. Just a closed envelope, but it had a familiar feeling to it.

Nightmare opened it, wondering what's inside.


Dear King Nightmare,

Hello! My name is Star! Today I read a book about you and your brother Dream, the story is so sad to me! I really wish you didn't get bullied! I have a few questions though, if you don't mind me asking that is.

How come you never told your brother about everyone that bullied you? What made you so scared?

Do you miss your brother? If so how much?

If you could see your brother one more time, what would you do or say?

How come you always look like an octopus?

I really hope you reply back! If you want to reply back you can give it to my personally, I'm a human-cat, with golden hair, and golden eyes. It's pretty hard not to miss me, and my happy behavior!

Anyways! That's all I have to say, and ask! I'll be waiting your responds

Have a lovely day!

From, Star


A child? Sending a letter to the King. Well this kid is very kind, and sweet, and brave to send something to me.

Nightmare started to read it out loud to himself. He was a bit confused with the last question Star asked him though, but the letter was cute enough that he didn't take offends to it.

"I guess I could write back to this child" Nightmare said, sitting down on the wooden chair, getting a piece of paper, and the inked pen, and started to write back.


Dear Star

Hello, Star. I'm sorry the story of my brother and I story is so sad, that's just how things are. I also feel sad I was bullied, but look at me now, a strong and amazing king, don't you think? I don't mind you asking me any question about myself, I'll be happy to answer them.

I didn't tell my brother about the bullies because, I was afraid that, once my brother tried to help me, my bullies would start hurting my brother, and I didn't want that.

I somewhat miss my brother, and the memories I had with him, but a part of me still despises him. I still hold onto the fact that my brother abandon me when I needed him the most, when I started to change is when I needed him the most...and he did nothing to stop it.

If I saw my brother again, I'd probably get very emotional, and probably beat the crap out of him. He deserves it, at least in my prospective.

And I only look like an octopus because I ate a bad, and rotten apple that no one will need, or ever eat again.

I enjoyed your questions, and I hope you decide to write me again. Have a pleasing day/night.

From Your King, Nightmare


"There, all finished. I'll make sure this gets to Star...where ever she might be" Nightmare said, as he folded the paper, and put it in an envelope and closed it with a wax seal.

Nightmare kept the letter, not trusting it to the mail room, since...nothing really changes in this room, there probably mail since Nightmare started ruling over this kingdom.

The positivity was still in the letter Star sent though, and it still bothered Nightmare, but it's a kid, probably trying to see the light in everything, so Nightmare ignored it, and took the letter that was written by star, and went back into his room with the letter.

Tomorrow, when the sun is at it's highest, Nightmare will send someone to give this letter to Star where ever she might be. Tomorrow will be busy for Nightmare though since he needs to plan for a few things...just in case...let's just say protocol for attacks. 

Nightmare placed Star letter in a dresser draw, and placed his letter on top of his dresser. Nightmare then stripped his clothes, and put on his pajamas, and put himself to bed, and fell fast asleep. 

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