Chapter One | New York

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Jade's POV:

The sound of rain caught my attention as I got ready for the day. I didn't really have to go anywhere, so I didn't mind that it was raining. After I was dressed I headed downstairs to get something to eat. When I walked into the kitchen I found my uncle Alfius cooking breakfast for us.

"Good morning, sweetie. How did you sleep?" He asked me curiously with a small smile on his gently wrinkled face. I just got into town last night, so I was still kinda tired but other than that I was doing just fine. "I slept alright." I replied with a smile of my own as I walked towards a cabinet and retrieved a mug from one of the shelves.

"Good. I'm glad that you decided to take a vacation. You deserve one for working so hard all the time. I just wish that the weather was a little better." He said as he turned his focus on cooking eggs and bacon for us. "It's fine. I actually love the rain; it's good for writing or reading or watching movies." I said as I pouring freshly brewed coffee into the mug I had picked out.

"Best to stick to reading or watching movies. You won't be writing on my watch. That is my what you're taking a vacation from after all." He said, and I knew he was right. I've been burnt out from writing so much. My lack of creativity is my own fault for not being firmer with my publishing agent. All she wants from me are new stories so she can make more money.

But I didn't start writing for money; I started writing to build interesting worlds and give someone an escape from reality. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind and took a seat at the kitchen table. When breakfast was finished my uncle and I ate and talked about various different things. We just wanted to catch up on everything we've missed in each other's lives.

Once we were finished eating I volunteered to wash the dishes, and he helped dry them. I spent most of the day sitting on the couch watching movies with my uncle, who fell asleep in the middle of The Hobbit. Around lunch time the rain had stopped and some golden sunshine peaked through the thick gray clouds.

"I think I'm going to go for a walk after lunch. Do you wanna join me?" I said, breaking the silence after shutting the tv off. "No, I think I'll stay inside. The damp weather makes my joints hurt." He said and rubbed one of his elbows to show his point. I mad us something to eat for lunch since he was kind enough to make breakfast.

After I ate, I slipped on a plain black hoodie and headed out. "Stay safe, and don't do anything I wouldn't do." My uncle said, which made me smile. "I promise I'll stay safe, Alfius." I replied with a small laugh. I stepped outside and walked down the steps that lead down to the sidewalk. The streets were full of people going to their destinations. I let out a deep sigh and my breath turned into white mist as it hit the cool air.

Spring was just starting, but the winter chill hadn't left quite yet. I decided to go to the nearest park, which was too far. I entered the black iron gates of Stuyvesant Park and took in the wonderful sights it had to offer. The budding blooms on trees looked so bright and beautiful against the clouds. The golden light that was peaking through various cracks in the sheet of gray covering the sky looked absolutely brilliant.

Droplets of water clung to every surface as well. I admired the reflections that were the rain puddles as I walked through the park. Barely anyone was enjoying the bright greens that adorned the place. But it wasn't surprising considering the fact that had been pouring down rain just a few minutes or so ago. I stumbled upon a little pond during my peaceful walk, and smiled when I spotted a couple of water foul floating on the surface.

A male and female mallard duck were quacking as they moved around the small pond. I wanted to get closer, but I didn't want to scare them away so I stayed where I stood and just watched them. A few moments passed before I decided I should be on my way. After leaving the park I walked around the little neighbourhood near the park. One of the houses on the opposite side of the street I was walking on caught my attention.

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