Chapter Five | Hollowgasts

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Jade's POV:

Weeks went by without any reply from Caleb, but that didn't surprise me. It was obvious he wasn't ready to tell me anything yet. Or maybe he was right... maybe I wasn't ready to hear what he had to say. Either way, it was frustrating to say that least.

Four more kinds were found dead and all of them were missing their eyes. They news reporters nor the newspapers mentioned a word about missing eyes, but I felt it in my bones. I also had a feeling that the police were baffled by what was going on. Especially since they couldn't see the massive monster that I saw when the first victim was killed.

But I didn't think that seeing it would have led people to understand it any better than they did now. At least of they could have seen the beast, it would have been clear to them what had been causing the mysterious child murders. Everything seemed to much more complicated now.

All I wanted was a vacation and here I am in the thick of something I don't even fully understand. I let out a deep agitated sigh as I watched the rain cascade down the windows of my uncle's home. It was April now and most of the winter chill had left, but the rain showers brought some dampness.

Dampness my uncle clearly couldn't handle, so he had the heat on full blast. It made the windows fog up; it was kinda difficult to see the street because of the mist covered glass. People walking by were just dark shadows to me. One of those dark shadows stopped and stared at the house, which made me a little uncomfortable.

I wanted to wipe the glass with my hand, but I knew Alfius wouldn't appreciate the streaks it would leave behind. Anxiety built up inside of me as I wondered who was watching the house. It wasn't the first time I caught someone watching my uncle and I.

Ever since the incident it felt like we were being followed everywhere we went. I don't think Alfius noticed. If he did he didn't mention anything about it. I've been so paranoid that I stopped going out all together.

I not only have a fear that we're being watched, but I have a fear that I'll see that terrifying tentacle monster again. Plus, I didn't want my uncle getting hurt. Maybe I should have told someone about what I saw, but if I did then I'd probably be given a psychotherapist.

But... I couldn't be crazy could I? Not when Caleb Carr seems to know something about what I saw, right? At least I hoped not. I didn't want to be admitted into a mental hospital or something like that. 'Stop thinking about stuff like that. You're only making things worse.' I thought inside of my head.

No matter how much I wanted to forget what had happened and carry on with my life, I just couldn't. What I saw was too vivid in my memory to ignore. The sound of a loud knock at the front door made me jump slightly, and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

I hated being scared by little things, especially since it was just someone knocking at the door. "I'll get it." My uncle said as he got up off of the couch and headed into the foyer. Caleb followed my Alfius into the living room and gave me a sideways glance.

From the look in his eyes it seemed as if he wanted to tell me something, but he only mumbled a small hello. I have him a small smile in return before turning my attention elsewhere. Honestly, I was a little upset and annoyed with Caleb.

He hadn't replied to my text messages, nor had he explained what was going on. He knew what killed that little girl... I'm sure of it. I just didn't understand why he hadn't told me yet. 'Maybe he's waiting for the right moment.' I thought, but I was getting impatient.

I couldn't comprehend why I was the only person who saw the monster that night. I was the only one who witnessed that horrible creature take that little girl's eyes. An image that I doubt will ever leave my mind. I've been having nightmares about the beast as well. Nightmares of it's many tentacles slithering out of its mouth and wrapping themselves around me.

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