Chapter Twenty | The Council

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Jade's POV:

I woke up to someone gently shaking me awake. When I rubbed the sleep from my eyes I noticed that it was Jacob. "We have to go. Caleb said that Miss Peregrine is downstairs waiting for us." He said in a hushed tone. I figured he checked my room first, and when he noticed so wasn't there he checked Dr. Kreizler's room. "What about the others? Are they awake too?" I asked curiously as I stretched slightly. "Trinity and Dr. Kreizler are. They're making us breakfast." He said before he left the room. I walked to where I should have been sleeping, and changed out of my pajamas. Everything I needed was packed and ready for our journey. I felt so nervous about leaving my friends behind, but I knew I didn't have any other choice. 'As long as they're safe... that's all that matters.' I kept saying inside of my head as I walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen where Caleb, Laszlo, Trinity, Miss Peregrine, and Jacob were. The smell of freshly baked bread, coffee, steak, and eggs made my stomach growl a little. We said our hellos as I sat down at the table next to Jacob. Trinity handed he and I steaming cups of coffee as well as a plates full of food. We thanked her and started eating as I tried listening to the others.

Caleb and Laszlo were both talking to Miss Peregrine in hushed tones. I glanced at Jacob, and he glanced towards the three of them briefly so I did the same. Caleb was leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. Dr. Kreizler's back was facing me, and I couldn't see Miss Peregrine's face either. But I'm sure both of them looked as serious as Caleb did. "How are you two feeling this morning?" Trinity asked in a hushed tone as she sat down in front of Jacob and I. "Alright, just tired. I didn't sleep well last night." Jacob said after taking a drink of coffee. "I'm tired and a little nervous. To be honest I... I'm worried." I admitted awkwardly before taking a bite of steak. I opened up about the way I was worried that my friends wouldn't be safe here in their loop. I was also afraid that something might happen to Jacob, Miss Peregrine, Caleb, and I. "I'm sure you'll be fine. All of you are strong peculiars, and there's no reason for you to worry about us. We'll be able to protect ourselves." Trinity said with a small smile. Her words kind of made me feel a bit better; they certainly let me eat my food without feeling like I was going to be sick. I ended up finishing my plate of food and drank two cups of coffee. Jacob did the same, which caught the attention of the others.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Dr. Kreizler asked as he sat down next to me. "Okay." I replied, even though it wasn't completely true. I could tell he didn't believe me either from the look in his big brown eyes. Trinity handed out coffee and plates of food to the others, although Miss Peregrine wanted tea. All of us made small talk even though I didn't feel like talking. Jacob didn't seem like he felt like talking either. Laszlo kept glancing over at me with a curious look. I was a little surprised when he gently grabbed my hand underneath the table, which calmed my nerves down a little. I gave him a little smile and he smiled back at me. After they finished eating the sky just started to get lighter. "We better get going." Miss Peregrine said. Jacob and I glanced at each other before we both stood up. The two of us followed her and Caleb into the foyer. Dr. Kreizler and Trinity followed close behind us as well. I put my backpack on as we said our goodbyes. Hugs were given all around. They even hugged Jacob. "Tell Cyrus and the others I said goodbye." I said feeling bad that he and Stevie didn't get to say their goodbyes to us. Same goes for John, Sara, and the Isaacson brothers. "We will." Trinity and Laszlo said at the same time. They gave us words of encouragement as we walked outside into the fading night.

It felt like it took half the time it usually does to get to the loop entrance. We changed into our modern clothes before entering the modern world. After we left the cafe successfully, we entered a black car that was waiting on us. Miss Peregrine took the passenger seat while Caleb got into the drivers seat. That left the back for Jacob and I. Both of our phones started blowing up with notifications now that were no longer in the 1800's. "Turn your phones off. They could be tracking us." Caleb said. We did as we were told, which meant that I couldn't listen to music. So I just stared out of the window and watched as the sky got lighter and lighter. I wasn't sure if we were heading to the loop the wights and hollows were, or if we were going somewhere else. Either way I just really missed Dr. Kreizler and my other friends. I started feeling nervous again, so I opened my bag and pulled out the blanket Cyrus gave me. I wrapped myself up and relaxed into my comfy seat. I didn't realize I fell asleep until Jacob woke me up. After rubbing my eyes and stretching, I looked outside to see that we were somewhere I didn't recognize. We were parked on the side of a deserted street by an abandoned building. It looked as if it had been abandoned for centuries.

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