Shes Having My Baby

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There's nothing that can be done

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There's nothing that can be done. I'm sorry" the doctor answered as he read off the file in his hand.

"So what your saying is the only way that we can find out whose baby it is, is if Brooke agrees to have the baby in Europe?"

"Yes, we have different rules here. In America they don't allow this test to be done until after the baby is born. It's risky on the fetus to determine the DNA. We have figured out a very non invasive way of doing it here but my hands are tied if she plans on delivering in America."

"Brooke, can we just have the baby here?" Niall pleaded.

"No, I want him or her to be a US Citizen."

Harry rubbed his rings against his cheek "Doesn't sounds like its that safe for the baby anyway. What's the harm in waiting?"

"He makes a good point. The best thing for the baby would be to wait until after it's born to do the test. I'm going to let you guys work this out, Brooke you can call me when you make a decision." The doctor walked out of the office and shut the door behind him.

"Brooke, you don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Either way I'm okay with it" Harry rubbed the small of my back for comfort.

"Harry, can you give Brooke and I, a minute please?" Niall opened the door and motioned Harry to leave.

"I'll be out in the lobby" he adjusted his jacket.

"Do you expect me to just be okay with all of this?" Niall walked back over to me.

"No. It's a mess"

"Brooke why did you call Harry before you called me?"

"I thought if I called you that you would get on the next flight out here. I also thought that maybe if I could get Harry to come and do the blood test first I could rule him out all together. BUT when I called him, he said that you had already took the jet. So I was right. I figured let's just all have a family outing" I sarcastically responded.

"Did you not want me to come out here?"

"Niall. I love you." I walked over and took his hand. "I didn't mean for you to find that test. That's why I buried it in tissues." I laughed "But I guess you managed to find it anyway. It's not like I tried to hide it from you. I just didn't want to freak you out."

"I understand you wanting to figure it out first. Is this why you came to Paris?"

"No. I came for the retreat. I just kept feeling weird and decided to take the test before I left. I didn't think I was actually pregnant."

"The timing couldn't be worse" Niall kissed my hand.

"We don't have to have this baby. I mean. We have options"

"No. We're not just going to get rid of our problems."

"Your right" I hugged him "Can we get out of here?"

"What are we going to do about Harry?"

"I don't know. If this baby is his then he is going to be involved. There's nothing either of us can do about that."

"Jesus Brooke. I wish you would just have the baby here so we would know."

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to go through the citizenship thing plus my doctor is in LA. I don't want to..."

"It's okay. We will have him ...or her in America. We will just have to talk to Harry and set some ground rules if we're not going to know for 7 more months"

"Brooke?" There was a knock at the door. "Are you still in there?" The dr walked in

"Sorry yeah, we're leaving. We were just taking."

"I need to schedule you next week for your first ultrasound, you will be right at 10 weeks. When can you come in?"

"I'm going to be at the resort, this was the last day they were allowing for me to leave, I start my program Tomorrow." I adjusted my purse so it was higher up my shoulder.

"Would it be easier if we went ahead and did it now?"

"Oh, uh, yeah" I nervously responded. Niall looked like he had lost all color in his face.

"Let me get the ultrasound tech" the dr reached for the door.

Seconds later he came back with a young girl and a machine she wheeled across the floor. Harry helped her into the room. "Thanks" she giggled at Harry. "Hi Brooke, I'm Mindy."

"Hi Mindy" I shook her hand.

"Go ahead and lift your shirt up to your belly button. This is a warming gel." She squeezed it on to my stomach.

The room fell silent. Harry and Niall wouldn't make eye contact with each other. Mindy continued swirling the device around my stomach and pushing keys on the machine. "There it is" she smiled as a thumping sound echoed across the room.

Niall held my hand tight. "That's the heartbeat?"

"Yep! You have a healthy 10 week baby. Congratulations!"

She printed pictures and handed one to Niall and I. "Here's for you too" she reached over to Harry and handed him a printed photo too."

"Thanks" Harry stared at the photo.

The lights turned on and we all awkwardly sat there with our hands folded.

"Harry, can I talk to you?" Niall slapped Harry on the knee.

"Sure Nialler" he stretched his hands above his head and put the picture into his pocket.

I stood up and put my ear against the door so I could hear the conversation.

"You need to back off" Niall spoke

"I was invited" Harry snapped back

"Only for the blood test, she doesn't need you here. Brooke is my girlfriend Harry, do you get that?"

"I get that you treat her like she's property. Always have. She's a person and she can make her own decisions. And she decided to call ME the other night... not you"

"Are we really going to play this game right now Harry? It was one night and it was a huge mistake, she doesn't love you"

"Well that mistake might have made her pregnant with my baby, and until I know it's not mine, I'm not going anywhere."

"Well Brookes not changing her mind about having the baby in America. So what does that mean for the next 7 months?"

"If I want to see her, I'm going too. Tell Brooke I had to run. I'll see you around Nialler"

I stepped out behind the door and Harry adjusted his coat and walked into the rain.

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