Chapter 5: Chocolates and Secrets

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Blair leaned into the plush leather seat and let the car glide smoothly over the dark paved road, nonetheless even the soothing car ride couldn't shield the elephant in the car. "Do you need to tell me something?" She laced her hands on her thighs and glanced towards Maddox. She had to admit, he was quite handsome under the golden light which beamed through the windows.

Maddox glimpsed at her with his amber eyes sparkling like ancient stones. "Blair, what's your story?" He asked.

She pulled her eyes from his deep tantalizing gaze that spoke more vibrantly than the magic of her spells, she quickly diverted their attention from his question that no one was ready to hear the answer of.

"Er- my shop is right over there," she pointed up front.

Blair hastily leaped out of the car the moment it stopped, and ran towards her shop thinking she escaped him, but he stubbornly parked his expensive car on the side of the road and followed her closely.

She noticed the eyes around central square watching them as she fumbled with the old enchanted lock her grandma gave her for safety. Maddox loomed behind her with his hands tucked in his pockets and his back stiffly straight. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" She asked subtly trying to get him to leave before the whole town begins to say that there was a shady person at her shop.

He simply cocked a brow. "No." Maddox raked his hair and entered her dark shop with her.

She switched on the lights, and the sweet musky scent of magic and time shuddered through her with warmth; something only another witch would understand. Although she was slightly uneasy of Maddox's presence, she wasn't going to let Maddox Steele disturb her from her work.

Blair left him and strode to the private office in the back, she opened the top drawer of her table and pulled out a dusty old book, it had wild coloured sticky-notes hanging out and the spine was barely holding the book together. But she loved it anyways and always found time to mend it for a new day at the shop. Her eyes spotted Maddox viewing her shop with great interest, even though he tried to hide it, the shop fascinated him, otherwise why else would he be here? She pondered silently.

-Maddox's POV-

So, this is why she smelt of sweet jasmine and a variety of spices. Her shop was covered with incense sticks, teas, chocolates, books, dreamcatchers, anything to decorate a house with something special, or help a person to overcome a difficulty they didn't have the strength to overcome.

Suddenly, soft music began to play in the distance, she appeared calmly from the back door with her lips held in a satisfied smile that pulsed with serenity. And then Maddox knew, her shop isn't what calmed the people, it was her. People were confident in her enough to confide their deeper darker secrets, and not to judged but to receive help and trusted advice.

Blair's head was stuck in a book that looked like it had been through war. She quietly went to a table and arranged herself neatly on the chair, her head stayed averted and her eyes stayed distracted, which bothered him like an itch.

"What's this?" He asked just to get her attention, but when she looked at him, he realized he wasn't pointing to anything. Maddox quickly turned and found himself in front of the chocolate's display. He inwardly cringed and bit his bottom lip.

Her brow arched. "It's chocolate," she said teasingly. Blair got out of her seat and walked around in front of him. "Want one?" She asked like he was three-year old child, without even looking she grabbed the first tray on the right that had rich brown truffles stacked on top of one another with white swirls mixed into each. She held the small tray in front of him with her crystal-blue eyes glimmering like northern lights he had seen last year with his sister.

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