Chapter 11: I'm A Witch

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In the metal container Blair couldn't beg to be set free more than ever, her breath was lost and her heart thundered in her chest, she could feel the faint stinging burn on the mark behind her neck and it warned her to relax or else things would get a little scary in the elevator. Blair grabbed onto the railing of the elevator and cursed her fate for being in such a tight situation. If that stupid crow hadn't warned her; she wouldn't even be in this goddamned elevator with Maddox and he would never have kissed her. Blair's cheeks heated as she recalled that unexpected kiss they shared earlier, she had never expected for a kiss to feel like that had. Maddox didn't just kiss her, he consumed her full body and soul and she had never seen her magic react the way it did before. It was like her magic reached its peak and was so much more alive than it ever was.

However, that wasn't the only thing that startled her. The necklace had reacted to Maddox when he embraced her; the old enchantment that had entered the pendant which hung between her breasts throbbed against her chest, she could feel the life of the magic that was dormant bursting to life like Maddox was its only salvation and it could do anything to reach him.

Blair didn't know how she felt but her magic did, the enchantment in the pendant knew everything and that scared the life out of her. Suddenly, the warm golden light in the elevator flickered violently.

"What the hell," said Maddox. "Don't tell me the elevator's broken." Just as Maddox clicked the alarm button the lights died and the elevator stopped fully.

Blair took a deep breath to get a grip of herself because she was reason behind the elevator malfunctioning, her magic was acting irritably and it fused the electricity.

"Hello," Maddox seemed to have called Tony. "The lift stopped... We're on the thirteenth floor... No... It's just me and Blair... Get this fixed... And tell Ainsley we'll be late again." Maddox cut the phone. "Looks like we're stuck in here for a few minutes," he said but Blair could barely hear what he said after that because she was trying so hard to relax.

Blair wanted to get out of the elevator not get stuck in it longer. "I need to get out," she mumbled breathlessly and tried to convince her magic like it was a person who could listen to her.

"Don't worry," reassured Maddox. "The lift should be fixed soon." Maddox turned around and the coolness in his eyes disappeared. "Blair," he grabbed her arms. "Are you okay?"

Blair couldn't answer him. She thanked her ancestors it was dark otherwise; the elevator would've combusted long time ago with the erratic heartbeat that was caused when Maddox came so close to her. Blair closed her eyes even tighter, but then all she could feel was his muscular body pressed against hers and that dark spicy scent flaming her.

"It's going to be okay," he whispered against her ear. "Everything's fine."

Blair just felt like an idiot, here he was trying his best to comfort her when she was the one to locked them up in the elevator. "I'm fine," she mumbled back to him. "I just need a few seconds to calm down." Blair stiffened when Maddox's arms circled around her, she wanted to push him away but she didn't have the strength to do so, his strong arms held her so firmly that it was a sensation she had never felt before.

Maddox's phone rang but he didn't pull away, he just answered the phone in this position. "Why isn't the lift working, Tony?" It sounded like Maddox was scolding Tony. As close as she was to Maddox she heard what Tony said and it didn't surprise her.

"Nothing's wrong with the lift, sir," astonished Tony. "The elevator just closed down."

"What the hell," grumbled Maddox. "So, then what caused the elevator to stop?"

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