Chapter 25: Dagger & Tale

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Through the window in Maddox's office, shined the light of the moon, which was high up in the dark midnight blue sky. Blair had gotten off the couch and was on the floor near the open window, as Maddox laid on the floor after they exhausted themselves going through hundreds of books and journals. Blair couldn't find anything relating to the entity in any of the books. The only piece of information Blair was able to gather was that this entity was so old, that even the books hadn't documented about it yet.

Under the moon, the pages of her Grandma's journal illuminated. The cursive letters were written in elegant handwriting with ink and quill. Blair downed the last sip of wine, before the light on her book started to shift in a strange way startling her.

Blair gaped at the journal when this extraordinary spectacle occurred. The glint of the moon acted as a pointer, she flipped the page until the light stopped her. The light moved onto the day dated back all the way to 1975. On that midsummer's night, Grandma wrote about a dream she had where she visited her ancestral sister-witches. They were preforming a ritual under the waning gibbous moon- the very same one outside today, Blair thought. Her grandma joined the ritual as her sisters purified a dagger with the light of the moon and a very old wolf spirit.

Blair flipped the page when she saw a quick sketch done by her Grandma of the dagger named the Silver Fang of the White Wolf. It was a silver blade, long and thin like a fang. The handle resembled starlight diamonds, that surrounded the elegant handle and metal cross guards. There was the rose insignia of the Lightwood family on the handle as well. But what caught Blair's eyes was the quote engraved onto the blade.

"When you need me, I shall show and fight," she read quietly. "I conquer evil and protect the light." Blair wondered if the moon spirit wanted her to look her this dagger, but she had never seen it before, and quite frankly, Grandma saw it in her dream only. It probably doesn't even exist in the living realm.

Blair was about to close the book in defeat when the light started to move once again stopping her. She turned the pages following the light's guidance to the day of black moon. It was the day her grandma had travelled to Paris, where she met a family who took great care of her during her duration of the trip. The family had the blood of Wicca but didn't know about it, her grandma wrote.

Blair knew that many people had the blood of Wicca in their pedigree, just that many didn't know about it or cared more frankly. She continued to read her grandma's journal entry. Grandma talked about this particular girl who she was quite fond of. The young woman was named Sienna who was wildly spirited and had big ambitions to travel the world. But the traditions and rules of her home and family forbid her. Grandma continued to speak about the young woman as if they had become great friends. But it all changed when the family found out that Sienna had psychic powers. Grandma knew the moment she saw the young woman, because Sienna had a golden aura as bright as the northern stars itself. Grandma was thrilled for the Sienna but the family was not quite so. Grandma cautioned the girl from exposing her powers to people who didn't deserve to see it. The family's hopes of a normal life had diminished but Sienna saw an opportunity. A way out, so to speak.

Grandma warned Sienna that life on the road was tough, but it was even more fun than being locked up in a house only to be married off with a pathetic dowry. Sienna heeded those words and told her parents of her plans, they approved that it would be for the best if she went off on her own, but her siblings disapproved but they had no say in the matter. Grandma and Sienna travelled through the rest of Paris together for a couple of months. They separated at the Strait of Sicily and Grandma had only hear about Sienna through the papers once. Sienna had gotten married to a rich business man, Lachlan Steele who was from Scotland and had come to America for work. Grandma remembered what a spectacular couple they made, because the man was young and looked strong beside beautiful Sienna Aria Steele.

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