Chapter 10: Secrets

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-Maddox's POV-

The sun shined through the grey curtains onto Maddox's bed, it alerted him of the time instead of his alarm- that he turned off three times already. He rolled out of bed and got up feeling revitalized, his body didn't ache like it usually would when he got no sleep. His head didn't have that terrible ringing after he'd bolt out of bed with nightmares, after a long time he finally felt relaxed enough to jump into the shower and get ready for work.

Maddox swiped his hand across the mirror that was fogged up from the steam of the hot shower he just had, he gazed at his appearance and noticed the remarkable change that sleep provided for him. Maddox regarded the small glimmer on his hand caused by the ring Blair had given him so generously. He had his doubts in the beginning over whether or not the ring could actually help him, but he had completely forgotten that he even had it on when he went to sleep last night because of what happened with Blair.

Maddox still clearly remembered the expression on her face when she had woken up and acted like she had seen a ghost. Blair's crystal blue eyes which were always vibrant of life had turned cold and distant like she hadn't recognized him, and that bothered him.

Maddox quickly shaved and got dressed because he was determined to ask Blair what happened last night over breakfast. He eagerly left his room and arrived the kitchen but it was empty. There was no noise, no laughter or that light that filled the room whenever Blair was around.

"Good morning, sir," Tony appeared from the office room that was under construction. "Hope you slept well."

"Good morning, Tony," said Maddox fleetingly. He sauntered into the living room and expected to find Blair on the couch with her laptop, but yet again no one was there.

Tony moved around him. "What are we looking at?" He asked jestingly.

"I was just... Nothing," mumbled Maddox.

Tony's brow arched. "Looking for a woman with big blue eyes."

Maddox strode past Tony's smug smile and prepared the coffee machine to brew himself a hot cup of expresso for this lovely morning although Blair wasn't here.

"I can tell you where she is, if you're curious that is?" asked Tony.

"I'm not curious," Maddox shrugged off.

Tony rolled his eyes. "She told me to tell you that she will be working from her shop today," he informed.

Maddox wondered if she left because she didn't want to talk to him about yesterday. "Will she be returning this afternoon?"

"I'm not sure," said Tony. "Would you like me to ask her?"

"No," Maddox bit his lip.

"You know you can just call her," suggested Tony.

Maddox froze because he didn't even have Blair's number. "It's fine," he told Tony. "Let's just go."

Tony opened the door and they entered the elevator together to head to the meeting room where all the staff for the hotel had gathered. Maddox wondered what type of day laid ahead of him without Blair around his space, it occurred to him how normal it got with having her around that it almost seemed strange without her and that he craved her presence, he could almost picture her bursting through the doors with a smile or with a curious expression. Maddox figured these weren't ordinary feelings and that he should control them before they control him.

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