Chapter 34

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 "If that is how you feel then you shouldn't stand with us at all." I decide. "Romania might not be your place of birth but it has been the place you call home for coming on a decade in the case of the majority of you. I understand what my father did was horrendous but I think what everyone has yet to understand is my father was not the man behind this. 

Corina has had the ability to control someone as powerful as the Lord of Magic since she was a child, a power like that in control of an army will be the end of all of us. If that frightens you, even in the slightest, then preventing an equally terrifying force of an encroaching army should be just a high on your list." I stand beside Verando, taking a deep breath.

"The empire threatens to destroy our way of life, tell us who we can marry, what gods we worship and the punishment for the majority of what they consider to be crimes is death. We have worked too hard, liberating this country, to allow it to fall back to its knees under the rule of another dictator. If we will not take a stand here, then who will? 

We can not continue to expect someone else to pick up the slack. The call has been made and the time to answer is now. We must fight, 'we' will fight, because there is not a group of people who have suffered and endured as we have for this cause. We must make amends for the faults of our ancestors and rid this country of the chains of servitude.

 What happened to the lycan's will continue to happen to every last one of our people until there is no one left and I refuse to stand by and watch it happen."

My eyes meet Reid, for he is the one I'm most surprised with the side he took. "Family is not just who you share blood with. Family is the people who matter most to you and even if you will not fight for us, I'm going to fight for you. You are free to leave if you wish, but we will remain and fight for those who are not strong enough. 

That is what freedom is, that is what we are fighting for, the right for you to choose." 

Tomas wipes at his teary eyes. "Aye, lad, ya got me right in mah squishy bits. I stand with ya. Long live the good King, even if I dun claim ya as mine." He winks, putting his fist over his heart.

Costel stands almost immediately. "Long live the good King. The elf kingdom will be behind you, in all trials." He makes the same pledge, his fist over his heart. 

I wasn't really expecting declarations but I'll take it, even if it's just to drown out my racing heart. 

Penelope curses and stands. "You are my King, even if you're an idiot sometimes." She grabs Loan's shirt and yanks him up as well. He makes a face but I know it's more the fact that I'm in a position of power than my position in general. 

"Alright. Yes, you've grown up a lot. Long live the good King." He puts his fist over his heart. "I've always been with you. You've led us to victory multiple times already, I don't see any reason to doubt you now." 

I see Tonic and Stefan stand though my Strigoi friend is saluting rather than pledging. Fletcher reluctantly climbs to his feet and seems unsure of which signal to do so he awkwardly nods at me instead and glares at the table, looking as though he wonders why he exists here at all. I can't help my smile, it's not nations themselves but it's some of those who have grown to be the most important to me, and knowing I have their backing is enough to convince me this is the right path. 

Haryek doesn't stand but does flutter his hand. 

"I'm on your side as well, if it even matters at this point. I just, you know, don't want to die for these people." Costel hushes him and huffs at the indignity of it all. I glance at Verando who has his fist over his heart as well. He's not looking at me though, his eyes are locked on Adriam who is looking back at us like we're the biggest group of sinners in the church. 

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