6 ✯ crayons

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❝We are a box of crayons, each of us unique.  But when we get together, the picture is complete.❞

The sound came from the bathroom. I was shaking down to my bones, the scream still echoing in my ears. I could feel my heart pulsing in my chest, the scene just like that of a horror movie, the tension building up, right outside the bathroom door. My hand trembled as I touched the cold metal handle, freezing up my fingers as I grasped it, pushing down on it. I flung open the door. And then I screamed.

Ava was laying in the tub, completely nude, with her hands on her chest, her body submerged in pink and blue bubbles, hidden by the water. You'd think walking in on someone in the middle of a bath is something you would've found in some sort of shoujo manga, but no. It wasn't that simple.

I looked a few inches above Ava's soapy hair, to the wall. Tufts of white hair and a pair of white horns poking out of it. Right... I facepalmed.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked cautiously, seeing Leif's head bob slightly. He was probably standing on something on the other side of whatever was behind the wall, and somehow poking his head through. I didn't see any damage to the wallpaper, so maybe he somehow materialised through it. Pulling a Mirio Togata on us, aren't you?

If they could walk through walls, nothing could stop them from taking a peek at me when I'm in the shower, and that would be hella embarrassing. I don't often take baths, so it'd just be me fully exposed. Luckily, Ava had the bubbles to protect her dignity.

"How is your head poking through the wall?" I asked, surveying the lone head on the wall, edging myself over to take a closer peek.

"It's easy peasy. Is that what humans say?" Rhys said as he walked through the wall to the right of me. Asch appeared next to him.

"I thought someone got murdered for a second." Asch said, looking at me distastefully.

Leif grinned. "This would be a good way to murder you in your sleep if the time came..." He said playfully. I facepalmed.

"Would everyone be kind and GET OUT?!?!?!" Ava screeched. I chuckled at that, dragging Leif by the horn out the room.

He was blushing profusely, and when I got him out the room, he whacked my hand away. He didn't look my way for the next minute, the tips of his elfish ears pink.

"Um... so." I began. "How do y'all go through walls? That's not possible, at least for humans."

Rhys took my hand in his and ran for the wall. I was dragged along with him, on unstable footing, about to fall down, and he pulled me through the wall like we were passing through a waterfall. I gasped.

"This must be how Harry felt when he first went to 9 and 3/4." I whispered, touching a golden statue set onto a pedestal.

Rhys scrunched up his features. "Who is this Harry?" He asked.

"Never mind. I might borrow my pristine collection of Harry Potter books soon in the future. If you can read those, I'll even show you my Keeper of the Lost Cities collection."

"Would be reading these books make me a... nerd?

"Who taught you that word?"

"It was when you called Ava a... weeb. And then she called you a nerd."

"You know what? Forget it. Your place looks crazy." It honestly did.

There were gold pillars lining the walls, with soft dark carpets across the centre of the room and a dimly lit chandelier hanging from the ceiling, giving the area a ghost-like, medieval feel.

"How did you make this place?"

"We can manipulate space. It's part of my training on Daemos. This is not an actual wall, just a rip in reality that we can store things in." Rhys answered.

"Oooooh, so like a pocket dimension! The kind of stuff just like the lion's mane in Steven Universe." I said, looking around eagerly.

"We thought that barging into your living space was a bit rude so we made this place!" Noi added, appearing behind me, giving me a thumbs up. It was nice that they actually took into account our feelings.

"Well, it's beautiful," I commented. Rhys blushed.

"Also, I've been meaning to ask something of you, Y/N." Rhys said, stepping closer.

He was so close to me I could feel his warm breath hitting my face. I was sure I looked like a tomato. I haven't had a lot of experiences with hot demon boys before, alright?

"Y/N, do you like nerds?"

"wHaT?!" I blurted out.

"Do I need to repeat the question?" Rhys offered, looking unaffected in any sort of way.

"No! It's just... do you understand what you just said?"

"What's wrong with it? I just wondered if you would treat me differently if you thought I was a nerd. Since you don't seem all too comfortable around us."

"Wait, so... you're not... interested in... you know what whatever!" I muttered, scratching my head.

"You seem like the wise nerd kind of type," I said.

"I was just scared you'd be threatened by the presence of another nerd because you've been living with a weeb all your life."

"You're talking like nerds are a species!"

"Nerds aren't a type of species?"



"Besides, I wouldn't kill or hate another fellow nerd."

A light blush crept along my face as I thought about him saying if I liked nerds or not. I almost thought he might've liked me or something. Eh, it's never happening, imagination. Never happenin.

"So, Rhys. Do you guys have separate rooms?"

"Are you implying I should take you to my chambers?"

"DON'T MAKE IT WEIRD YOU--" I shrieked.

I put a hand over my face to cover up the blushing. Rhys put a hand on my forehead.

"You aren't coming down with something, are you Y/N? I can make you some potions with medicinal herbs if you have any nearby." He said.

I slapped his hand away before sighing. I walked out the exit, back into our own apartment. It felt weird. I shivered. That was really creepy. It was like phasing through something. I felt like a water molecule going through osmosis.

Then Ava walked out of her room holding a large crayon.

"This is Crayola!" She announced.

She drew a red rectangle on the wall.

"This is now a doorway. If you try to pass into our apartment through any other means besides this door, you will die." I tried to hold in my laughter.

The boys looked too shocked to make any rebuttals to that. For once, Asch was too surprised to talk. The silence went on for a few minutes.

"Yeah, this has gotten awkward. Bye~" I called, before turning away and walking away. Right before I walked around the corner, I watched as the boys walked through the Crayola, trying their best to squeeze through the space without touching the edge of the red rectangle. I smirked. Then I left to my own room as the rest of the crowd dispersed.


word count: 902

Ohmahgawd I'm so sorry I've been inactive y'all! >~< I really missed writing haha but I've been slightly busy so I'm back OwO other than that, I've been obsessed with Into the Woods and Ninjago recently ahahaha. I mean it's super random but that's me! 😏 I might be starting a one-shots book for My Inner Demons or Ninjago so stay tuned~

Love y'all :3

edit: 02.09.2021
word count: 1292 words
god the cringe looking at my old author's notes-

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