8 ✯ clothes

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Clothes aren't going to change the world, the women who wear them will.❞ -Anne Klein

It's been a week since Ava went on that Instagram spree with the boys, and nothing's really happened during that time. Well, I've been studying a course on digital art recently. I used to love books and sketching back in high school, but since I've grown up and gotten a job, I haven't had time for these kinds of things. Being an adult is hard. Creativity isn't appreciated, and you have to live in a vicious cycle of working each and every day. I was being chained down and pressured all the time, never earning respect from others.

I'm sure those stupid daemos don't have jobs and have to live a sad life of labour. To be a prince like Asch, huh. Wouldn't that be nice. They're probably too stupid to get jobs. I mean, they're mostly idiots.

But it isn't their fault they weren't born on Earth. With enough time and experience on our planet, they'd be ruling the world, and maybe they'd be able to experience the same things. But somehow, all the laughs and the head pats make me so much happier. I sometimes wonder what their life is like on daemos. A planet of demons, I can sense that it's already run down and brimming with chaos.

They barged their way into my life, but I was still able to accept them like I would if other people gave me a chance. But the world doesn't just give you chances. Or have the tables turned?

"Y/N! There you are!" Ava said.

I turned to see the dark haired girl grabbing my hand and leading me to the living room. The daemos were just lounging around, jumping on the cushions and staring into nothingness. Exactly what they usually did. The lazy buttheads.

"Prisoner, I'm bored." Asch groaned.

I scowled. "Suck it up, almighty Prince of Daemos. You're here on Earth, and I don't have to do your bidding." I spat at him.

He just frowned and crossed his arms, his bottom lip jutting out. I tried to hold back my laughter. I failed. I burst out into a laughing fit. He was honestly such a stuck-up prince stereotype it was hilarious. Just plain hilarious. To my surprise, the other daemos chuckled along with me.

Usually, they sided with Asch because they were his knights and swore undying loyalty to him or something.

"So Y/N! I need your help with something." Ava said. I sighed. Whenever Ava needed my help with something it was probably a thing in which she was either too embarrassed or too scared of to do. And it usually resulted in my own fear or embarrassment. But that's what friends are for.

"I need you to teach the guys to change into regular clothing." I choked on my own spit.

"I have to do what?"

Rhys crossed his arms, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "I've already mastered the art of changing." Rhys stated matter of factly.

"You have to teach me!" Noi cried, pouting. Rhys shrugged and smirked. "Nah."

What was Rhys turning into? I really hope he isn't turning into a Leif cause my god that would be horrible. Now, let's address the big problemo. I HAVE TO TEACH 4 GUYS TO PUT ON CLOTHES. Just great.

To avoid further embarrassment, I took a video of myself putting on a shirt and pants, wearing clothes underneath while explaining every part of the process. Then I played to video on my phone to them.

"What does this even show us, prisoner?"

I ended up having to explain every little detail to these idiots, and I shoved them into a room to attempt to change. After 2 hours of training, all of them successfully got themselves dressed. Mission accomplished!

So in return, I was allowed to ask the boys one question of my choice and they had to answer truthfully and comply with whatever I had asked for. And me being stupid me, decided to ask them the worst question I could've asked. "Can I touch your horns?"

All of them visibly flinched, and took a step backward.

"Prisoner, you don't understand what you're asking." Asch replied harshly, voice slightly trembling.

"At least explain to me why you have them and what they do. I've never understood." I exclaimed.

"Touching one's horn is courting. But in a more... touchy-feely way. Our horns are extremely sensitive as well. Touching a male daemos' horn is like touching his—"

I slapped a hand over Rhys' mouth. I'd heard enough. And I internally died as I remembered I touched and pulled on both Asch and Leif's horns. Just amazing.

Then Ava decided to burst into the room. "Y'all look great! Also, if anyone sees you in here with human clothes, say you are someone's boyfriend." Ava said, winking at me and looping my arm around hers. Ava's seriously going to fuck me over, I can feel it.

"What's a boyfriend?" Noi asked.

"A male friend." Ava replied, smiling. I pointed finger guns at Ava. She laughed. Suddenly, we heard the jingling of keys and a door opening.

Ava whipped around and whispered to the boys, "Run into the Crayola triangle!"

It took Noi a few seconds to begin reacting to that statement, and right before he jumped through the wall, someone shrieked.

"Ava!" I turned around. Ava was mortified, and Noi was standing in place. Ava's two dads were standing in the middle of the living room, glaring furiously at Noi. I could see the smoke coming out of their ears as they loomed over Noi's small figure.

"Who are you?" They asked simultaneously.

"I... I'm Ava's boyfriend!"

word count: 926
Omg sorry I've been inactive again >~< I actually have another major project coming up and I'm on vacation in Korea so I got a lot of work to do. Life sucks, but I'll do my best to get back to y'all soon!
edit: 02.13.2021
word count: 971 words

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