26 ✯ movies

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❝There's only one thing that can kill the movies, and that's education.❞ -Will Rogers

I found Pierce coming out of the Crayola marked red rectangle in the middle of our wall, and I ran over to the tall dark haired daemos.

"Pierce! I need to know what you did to me!" I yelled.

"Y/N... please don't ponder over it," Pierce said to me, his fingers fidgeting at his sides.

"I don't remember much, but from what I know, you're trying to make me forget your fight," I muttered.

The frown on his face was prominent, his eyes drooping and his features sagging. He just simply put a hand on my shoulder.

"I just didn't want you to remember what in which hurts you. I saw you crying." He said.

The anger bubbles inside of me, not because of him, but because of the fight that had taken place. I understood that the attempted amnesia was Pierce's doing to protect me, but similarly it was obvious the others weren't trying to. Or at least, that's what I could see. They were fighting over Ava, weren't they?

"Pierce..." I mumbled.

"Stop trying to woo Princess Ava!" Asch yelled.

I looked over to where he was. A tinge of hurt spread across my chest. Asch, Leif, Rhys, and Noi were huddled up in the hallway, arguing. They were fighting over Ava. Again.

Ava walked out of the bathroom to see them shouting.

"Guys, what are you doing?" She asked.

"She's mine!" Asch screeched as he lunged forward and grabbed Ava and hauled her over his shoulder.

"What the f—" Ava yelled.

They grabbed her and chased each other around. I felt my mind fog up with anger. I know jealousy is a bad trait. But it's not like I can stop what I feel.

"I'm going out for a walk," I muttered, before leaving the building.

I had only just left the building when I bumped into a familiar face.

"Lorelai?" I asked.

"Oh, Y/N!" She said, beaming.

Like usual.

"Oh, Y/N! I was just coming over to ask whether you and Ava wanted to go to the movies together with me!" She said happily.

The street was sort of empty. A few people here and there. If I made a run for it, no one would try to call the cops on me if they thought I was a criminal or something, right? Eh, scrap that idea.

"Yeah, sure! As a matter of fact, we can discuss all the tickets and movie choices right now! I'll bring you upstairs! Ava's waiting." I said, attempting to put on my best enthusiastic face.

And when I brought her into the building, entering the elevator, she asked me a seriously strange question. Not really strange, I guess. More like annoying.

"Hey, are you still living with those friends of yours?" She asked.

I scowled.

"What friends?" I questioned.

"The ones that were cosplaying back at the mall! Ava's seemed a little weird when we were texting, and I assume she's changed." Lorelai stated.

She's smarter than she looks.

"Heh, you're quick to catch on." I chuckled.

"So... I think she likes these friends of yours," Lorelai said.

I choked on my saliva.

"Say what now?" I mumbled.

"Well, she seems kind of like that. From some of our texts, anyway. She seems happier than before." Lorelai said.

I never even considered it. What if Ava liked them back? I know I sound bitter at this point, but what am I supposed to say?

"Well, it's great that she's happy," I mumbled.

Nothing ever goes my way. But that's the way of the world. I wouldn't like to be selfish with it, but isn't that how it is? So all I can do at this point is to try to make a change. I opened the door for Lorelai. She rushed in, seeing Ava and the boys arguing in the living room.

"Hey, Ava!" Lorelai cheered excitedly.

I watched from the hallway.

"Lorelai? What are you doing here?" Ava asked, shocked.

"Oh, I let her in! She said something about movies." I responded.

"Yeah! Let's go to the movie theatre right away! It'll be so much fun, Ava!" Lorelai squealed.

"What's a movie theatre?" Rhys asked.

"Oh, it's a place where people go to watch movies! It's also a common place where people get taken on dates!" Lorelai answered, her face smug.

Wow. She's making her motives kind of obvious to me at this point. I noticed that the boys seemed to perk up at the mention of the word date. I wonder what Ava told them.

"Well, come on guys! Let's get going! Off to the movie theatre, we go! We can make it there to watch this super cool movie I've wanted to watch for a while!" Lorelai said in her enthusiastic voice.

Ava looked at me. She gave me that the-crap-did-you-do-y/n look. I shrugged it off and grabbed my wallet from my room, before following Lorelai out the door. The boys were arguing in the kitchen again. As Ava walked out the door, I watched her motion the boys to move out.

They looked like ducks following their mother, tirelessly and without much thought. It was pretty obvious, but it still rubbed me the wrong way. I turned forward to follow the bounding bundle of energy that was Lorelai. This is going to be an interesting day.

edit = 14.07.2021
wc = 916 words
woo im active? lowkey not tho im still spending too much time watching dsmp content

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